11月前於智利買當地sim卡可免註冊 - 自助旅行

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2018-08-16T17:01

Table of Contents



Dear Mr., Mrs.

The system of registration ofIMEIs in the centralized database (OABI) is in
the process of modification,therefore it is not necessary to perform the
administrative registration ofmobile phones. It is enough for you to insert
the SIMCard of the Chileannetwork operator you wish to hire, so that your
phone works without problems.

OABI will start operating againfrom next November 10, 2018. All phones used
before this date do not needto be registered in OABI, as they will be
automatically entered by the operatorwith whom your mobile phone has worked.
From November 10, 2018, if a telephonetries to connect to the network of a
Chilean operator and is not in OABI, itwill be incorporated into the
temporary registry, which will allow it tooperate in national mobile networks
for a single term of 30 calendar days.After this period, and not requesting
the Administrative Registration, thephone will be disabled to operate in
Chile's mobile networks.

Additionally, we tell you thatthere are manufacturers that block the software
of their phones so that theycan not be used with all existing network
operators in the world, so it ispossible that, when inserting the SIMCard of
a network operator from Chile, thephone displays a message such as "Network
lock", "Enter NCKcode", "Enter unlock code", etc. In which case we
asCertification Company can not do anything about it, and the only way to use
thephone is by entering the unlock code, which you have to request directly
withthe manufacturer of the phone or with the network operator where you
bought thephone.

If your phone has other problems,such as able to make phone calls but do not
have internet (or vice versa), wesuggest you contact your service provider to
review the problem. But this hasnot relation with the registration of the
IMEI of the phone in OABI.





All Comments

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-08-18T17:03

斯洛伐克 Strbske pleso湖及Popradske Pl

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-08-16T14:55
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Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2018-08-16T11:45
昨天晚上用Booking.com的網站訂了Booking. basic方案的礁溪老爺飯店一晚 但是按 送出鍵決定付款的時候 就發生了and#34;網頁錯誤and#34;的字樣~ 於是我們大概試了4-5次後 決定將瀏覽器由chrome改為IE 終於付款成功 (但也是惡夢的開始...) 竟在and#34;訂單a ...

歐美長程線自由行好幫手 !

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2018-08-16T01:10
紐約機+酒long stay最精省 自由行好幫手 相見恨晚找華航微旅行 文章分享 https://choyce.tw/yestrip/ 歐美長程線自助旅行小撇步 : * 善用便宜機票區間,省下將近三成機票更划算 * 暑假尾段機票與住宿更便宜(八月中下旬省很大) * 平日出發更省錢(週日到週四起飛相對便宜 ...


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By Candice
at 2018-08-15T13:32
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Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-08-15T11:06
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