2013夏東非之旅 東非獵遊經驗分享(二) - 自助旅行

By Donna
at 2013-07-28T09:37
at 2013-07-28T09:37
Table of Contents
接下來這篇文章要提到關於我們使用Explorer Kenya與另一家坦尚尼亞旅行社Masai
Tribe Adventure 的經驗
(I'm going to share my experience of joining the Safari offered by two
different agenies: Explorer Kenya and their Tanzanian partner Masai Tribe
我們在肯亞部份的旅行, 很幸運的Explorer Kenya給了我們一個很有經驗的駕駛間導遊,
(Simon is the tour guide and driver from Explorer Kenya when we were
travelling in Kenya.)
他懂非常多的動物, 總是可以很迅速的找到許多的動物, 很有經驗, 所以不會像照片裡這
台車一樣, 在國家公園裡走錯路, 掉到泥坑裡動彈不得
(He was able to recognize lots of different animal and plant species.
Besides, it seemed very easy for him to find animals easily and fast. He knew
where the best road is to find the animals so we wasn’t stuck somewhere like
this Safari van. )
他雖然讓我們一定看到動物, 但他總把我們的安全當做第一優先, 在他的安排之下, 我們
不但可以找到最好的角度拍攝動物, 也兼顧到安全的考量, 不會像下面這張照片, 這個駕
駛兼導遊就是不顧客人的安全, 只一味的讓他們跳到車外拍動物, 殊不知身後還有兩隻母
(Though he tried his best to let us see animals, he always put our safety as
the first priority. “The client’s safety is the most important thing.”
Said by Simon. When we were in Masai Mara National Park, a guide drove his
Safari van between two lions in order to make his clients very close to the
lions. That guide also allowed his client (the girl in the picture) to get
out the van taking the pictures. However, this girl just didn’t notice that
there was a lion sitting behind her when she was taking the picture of
another lion. This is an example showing that a bad driver and guide may made
his clients in a dangerous situation.
肯亞的旅行社非常的多, 優劣也參疵不其, 由沒有信譽的旅行社經手, 或是由沒有經過專
業訓練的導遊駕駛帶領, 很容易會像上面那兩張照片一樣, 讓自己陷入險境之中, 所以在
肯亞, 我真的很幸運遇到了Explorer Kenya的Simon, 我實在是大力推薦這一家旅行社
(There are tons of Safari agency, and the quality of agency will
significantly influence your safari trip. If you are asking an agency without
good reputation to deal with your safari, it may make your trip dangerous and
not safe.)
園和賽倫蓋提國家公園), 都必須找一個在坦尚尼亞的旅行社來承包這部份的行程,
Explorer Kenya在坦尚尼亞伙伴是一家稱為Masai Tribe Adventure的坦尚尼亞旅行社
(Because the government of Tanzania doesn’t allow the Kenyan travel agency
to deal with the itinerary including Tanzania. Therefore, those agencies
always need to find Tanzania partner agencies to be in charge of the Tanzania
part. In our case, Explorer Kenya asked another Tanzania agency to be in
charge the Tanzania part of our itinerary. The name of this partner agency is
“Masai Tribe Adventure”
Masai Tribe Adventure (http://maasaitribeadventure.com/About%20us.html 他們的Facebook:
Facebook的Cover picture就是我們和駕史兼導遊Mbasha的合照)
負責當我們駕駛兼導遊是Mbasha (M不發音, 所以念成”巴夏”)
(Here is the website of Masai Tribe Adventure,
http://maasaitribeadventure.com/About%20us.html They also have a facebook page.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Maasai-Tribe-Adventure/122370457886498. )
Mbasha也是這家旅行社的老闆, 旅行社有四個人, 包括他和他的弟弟(他弟弟在旅行社裡
做IT的工作), 根據我這幾天的經驗, 我非常推薦Masai Tribe Adventure這家旅行社
(The owner of Masai Tribe Adventure is Mbasha who is also our guide and
driver when we were in Tanzania. There are four people including him and his
brother in his company. According to my Safari experience in Tanzania, I
highly recommend Mbasha and his company, Masai Tribe Adventure.
因為, Mbasha和前面提到的Simon一樣, 都很會認動物, 也很會找動物, 前面遊記裡看到
那些在賽倫蓋提的許多動物, 沒有Mbasha的話我們可都是看不到的, 而且很多時候, 我們
都是前幾部車發現動物的, 後面才有其他的車子趕來看我們發現的動物
Like Simon from Explorer Kenya, Mbasha also has a great eyesight and is able
to find where those animals are. Without Mbasha, we were not able to find so
many animals shown on the pictures of my trip report of Serengeti and
Ngorongoro. In fact, we are often the first one to find the animals, and
other Safari van came after us to see those animals found by Mbasha.
Mbasha在Safari的這幾天裡也會依照我們的需求彈性調整行程, 也不會逼我們一直去紀念
品店買東西, 非常不錯
Mbasha was also able to adjust for us as what we needed and he didn’t
enforce us to do shopping if we don’t want.
另外, 通常一般的Safari行程會花一小時去參觀當地原住民馬賽人的部落, 也許看看他們
唱歌跳舞, 買買紀念品就離開了, 然而, 因為Mbasha自己就是馬賽族原住民, 他其實有很
多的馬賽朋友, 所以不同於其他旅行社蜻蜓點水式的參觀馬賽部落, Mbasha可以安排行程
讓大家不只是花一小時參觀馬賽人的部落, 他甚至可以安排讓觀光客在馬賽人家住一晚,
Generally, visiting Masai village is always included in the safari in Kenya
or Tanzania. However, because Mbasha grow up in a Masai tribe, he can arrange
his clients to visit the “real Masai family” not like the Masai village
always visited for tourists. He can also let his clients to stay with a real
Masai family for a night to experience the Masai Culture.
程, 喜愛爬山的人可以考慮跟他聯絡喔, 不過我很不喜歡爬山, 所以Mbasha就建議我喝一
(Besides, Mbasha told me that his agency can also offer the itinerary of
Mount. Kilimanjaro for some people who likes hiking and outdoor activity.
However, I don’t like to climb the mountain so Mbasha told me that you can
just drink a local beer named as Kilimanjaro to pretend you have been there.
大概分享到這裡, 有問題再問我吧
Anyway, here is my experience about picking up a good travel agency. Please
let me know if you have any questions.
接下來這篇文章要提到關於我們使用Explorer Kenya與另一家坦尚尼亞旅行社Masai
Tribe Adventure 的經驗
(I'm going to share my experience of joining the Safari offered by two
different agenies: Explorer Kenya and their Tanzanian partner Masai Tribe
我們在肯亞部份的旅行, 很幸運的Explorer Kenya給了我們一個很有經驗的駕駛間導遊,
(Simon is the tour guide and driver from Explorer Kenya when we were
travelling in Kenya.)
他懂非常多的動物, 總是可以很迅速的找到許多的動物, 很有經驗, 所以不會像照片裡這
台車一樣, 在國家公園裡走錯路, 掉到泥坑裡動彈不得
(He was able to recognize lots of different animal and plant species.
Besides, it seemed very easy for him to find animals easily and fast. He knew
where the best road is to find the animals so we wasn’t stuck somewhere like
this Safari van. )
他雖然讓我們一定看到動物, 但他總把我們的安全當做第一優先, 在他的安排之下, 我們
不但可以找到最好的角度拍攝動物, 也兼顧到安全的考量, 不會像下面這張照片, 這個駕
駛兼導遊就是不顧客人的安全, 只一味的讓他們跳到車外拍動物, 殊不知身後還有兩隻母
(Though he tried his best to let us see animals, he always put our safety as
the first priority. “The client’s safety is the most important thing.”
Said by Simon. When we were in Masai Mara National Park, a guide drove his
Safari van between two lions in order to make his clients very close to the
lions. That guide also allowed his client (the girl in the picture) to get
out the van taking the pictures. However, this girl just didn’t notice that
there was a lion sitting behind her when she was taking the picture of
another lion. This is an example showing that a bad driver and guide may made
his clients in a dangerous situation.
肯亞的旅行社非常的多, 優劣也參疵不其, 由沒有信譽的旅行社經手, 或是由沒有經過專
業訓練的導遊駕駛帶領, 很容易會像上面那兩張照片一樣, 讓自己陷入險境之中, 所以在
肯亞, 我真的很幸運遇到了Explorer Kenya的Simon, 我實在是大力推薦這一家旅行社
(There are tons of Safari agency, and the quality of agency will
significantly influence your safari trip. If you are asking an agency without
good reputation to deal with your safari, it may make your trip dangerous and
not safe.)
園和賽倫蓋提國家公園), 都必須找一個在坦尚尼亞的旅行社來承包這部份的行程,
Explorer Kenya在坦尚尼亞伙伴是一家稱為Masai Tribe Adventure的坦尚尼亞旅行社
(Because the government of Tanzania doesn’t allow the Kenyan travel agency
to deal with the itinerary including Tanzania. Therefore, those agencies
always need to find Tanzania partner agencies to be in charge of the Tanzania
part. In our case, Explorer Kenya asked another Tanzania agency to be in
charge the Tanzania part of our itinerary. The name of this partner agency is
“Masai Tribe Adventure”
Masai Tribe Adventure (http://maasaitribeadventure.com/About%20us.html 他們的Facebook:
Facebook的Cover picture就是我們和駕史兼導遊Mbasha的合照)
負責當我們駕駛兼導遊是Mbasha (M不發音, 所以念成”巴夏”)
(Here is the website of Masai Tribe Adventure,
http://maasaitribeadventure.com/About%20us.html They also have a facebook page.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Maasai-Tribe-Adventure/122370457886498. )
Mbasha也是這家旅行社的老闆, 旅行社有四個人, 包括他和他的弟弟(他弟弟在旅行社裡
做IT的工作), 根據我這幾天的經驗, 我非常推薦Masai Tribe Adventure這家旅行社
(The owner of Masai Tribe Adventure is Mbasha who is also our guide and
driver when we were in Tanzania. There are four people including him and his
brother in his company. According to my Safari experience in Tanzania, I
highly recommend Mbasha and his company, Masai Tribe Adventure.
因為, Mbasha和前面提到的Simon一樣, 都很會認動物, 也很會找動物, 前面遊記裡看到
那些在賽倫蓋提的許多動物, 沒有Mbasha的話我們可都是看不到的, 而且很多時候, 我們
都是前幾部車發現動物的, 後面才有其他的車子趕來看我們發現的動物
Like Simon from Explorer Kenya, Mbasha also has a great eyesight and is able
to find where those animals are. Without Mbasha, we were not able to find so
many animals shown on the pictures of my trip report of Serengeti and
Ngorongoro. In fact, we are often the first one to find the animals, and
other Safari van came after us to see those animals found by Mbasha.
Mbasha在Safari的這幾天裡也會依照我們的需求彈性調整行程, 也不會逼我們一直去紀念
品店買東西, 非常不錯
Mbasha was also able to adjust for us as what we needed and he didn’t
enforce us to do shopping if we don’t want.
另外, 通常一般的Safari行程會花一小時去參觀當地原住民馬賽人的部落, 也許看看他們
唱歌跳舞, 買買紀念品就離開了, 然而, 因為Mbasha自己就是馬賽族原住民, 他其實有很
多的馬賽朋友, 所以不同於其他旅行社蜻蜓點水式的參觀馬賽部落, Mbasha可以安排行程
讓大家不只是花一小時參觀馬賽人的部落, 他甚至可以安排讓觀光客在馬賽人家住一晚,
Generally, visiting Masai village is always included in the safari in Kenya
or Tanzania. However, because Mbasha grow up in a Masai tribe, he can arrange
his clients to visit the “real Masai family” not like the Masai village
always visited for tourists. He can also let his clients to stay with a real
Masai family for a night to experience the Masai Culture.
程, 喜愛爬山的人可以考慮跟他聯絡喔, 不過我很不喜歡爬山, 所以Mbasha就建議我喝一
(Besides, Mbasha told me that his agency can also offer the itinerary of
Mount. Kilimanjaro for some people who likes hiking and outdoor activity.
However, I don’t like to climb the mountain so Mbasha told me that you can
just drink a local beer named as Kilimanjaro to pretend you have been there.
大概分享到這裡, 有問題再問我吧
Anyway, here is my experience about picking up a good travel agency. Please
let me know if you have any questions.
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