2015April or May travel to central ameruca - 自助旅行

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2013-10-16T21:53

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hi all
I intend to learnespanol in central America from next April or may and live ther for three month, try to find somewhere can work for accomdation and learn Spanish together, do u want to go together?lets discuss and make a plan .
I'm a 37 guy ,working in trading company, extrovert, hope to receive ur mail soon.


All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2013-10-20T00:14

go LA card 2-day card跟citypass有何不同

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-10-16T12:06
在costco有看到賣go LA card 2-day card 想知道這個跟Southern California CityPASS有什麼不同? 如果我只打算玩迪士尼跟環球影城。哪種較好? 謝謝! - ...

成都 老成都公館菜

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2013-10-16T00:04
※ [本文轉錄自 Food 看板 #1INMUBys ] 作者: blueherobest (苦蓮) 看板: Food 標題: [食記] 成都 老成都公館菜 時間: Wed Oct 16 00:04:24 2013 圖文:http://bluehero.pixnet.net/blog/post/32653 ...

轉售 香港 IBIS宜必思中上環酒店

William avatar
By William
at 2013-10-15T23:39
本來和朋友約好的HK行.因故無法去玩了. 因此在版上轉讓訂好的房間, 我們訂的是有限量的特價房型,適逢明年228連續假期,非常優惠哦 有興趣的可站內信通知~~ 地點: 香港HK 名稱:IBIS宜必思上環酒店 Ibis Hong Kong Central andamp; Sheung Wan ...

1/30-2/10 尼泊爾+不丹

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2013-10-15T23:35
預計時間: (2014 過年假期) 1/30~2/10 一般上班族約需請假四天 預計預算: 尚未精算~ 希望可以控制在八萬五 預計行程: 稍有作功課不過研究進度有點緩慢 1/30 台灣-andgt;轉機-andgt;尼泊爾 1/30-2/5 尼泊爾 (Kathmandu市區及週邊 Patan, ...

沖繩自駕遊。Day4 通堂拉麵

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-10-15T21:58
※ [本文轉錄自 Japan_Travel 看板 #1INKdVhh ] 作者: marvelousbre ( ) 看板: Japan_Travel 標題: [遊記] 沖繩自駕遊。Day4 通堂拉麵 時間: Tue Oct 15 21:57:46 2013 網誌有圖無音樂好讀版 http://hsiao ...