20點~急!!!幫我把這些中文回答翻成英文!!不要翻譯機的! - 旅遊

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-03-05T00:00

Table of Contents

1.Do you like to travel?
2.Where have you traveled to?
3.What is the best place you have been to?
4.Do you stay at nice hotels or cheap hotels?
5.Do you like travel alone or with tour groups?
6.What do you bring when you travel?
7.How many suitcases do you bring?
8.Do you buy traveler's checks before you go on vacation?
9.Have you ever been lost in another country?
10.Do you often get jet lag?

All Comments

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-03-08T08:08
I like to travel because I can learn the traits of every cultures.
I don't like to travel because it costs high.
I have been to Singapore, Thailand and Japan.
I have only been to Kenting--the trip in Taiwan.
I love Thailand the best because the beaches are beautiful and the people are so wonderful.
I love Singapore the best because it's very clean.
I will choose to stay in a hotel because it will help me relax and feel comfortable.
I will choose to stay in a place much cheaper because it can save me a great deal.
I like to go with the tour-guides, because they have the set schedule and I don't have to worry about where I shall go.
I will bring some cash, passport, camera and some clothes.
I will pack a lot of stuffs and thus the luggage is a big burden for me.
I will bring a suitcase and a handful bag.
I will bring one to two suitcases.
No, I like to use the cash.
Yes, travelers' check is much more convenient than cash.
No, I always go with the tour-guide.
Yes, and luckily I found my way back.
Never. I have only been to the same time-zone with Taiwan.
Yes, and the jet lag is hard to adjust.
2009-03-05 21:26:43 補充:
I don't like to travel because it costs high.
I love Singapore the best because it's very clean.
Yes, travelers' check is much more convenient than cash.
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2009-03-05T23:48
1.Do you like to travel?
I like to travel, because each country can meet the cultural characteristics of
I do not like to travel, because a lot of money to spend
2.Where have you traveled to?
I have been to Thailand and Japan, Singapore
I only like domestic tourism at Kenting
3.What is the best place you have been to?
My favorite Thailand, because the beach beautiful, the locals are very warm and
My favorite in Singapore, because Singapore is very clean
4.Do you stay at nice hotels or cheap hotels?
Tourism is in order to relax, so I will go live in relatively good restaurant, more comfortable
I will go live in less expensive restaurant because they can save costs
5.Do you like travel alone or with tour groups?
I like to travel with the regiment, because travel arrangements are already good, do not go where the trouble to go to PLAYING
I enjoy self-service travel, are more freely
6.What do you bring when you travel?
I will be money, cameras, passport and some clothes
I will bring a lot of things so my luggage is a big burden
7.How many suitcases do you bring?
I will take a suitcase and a carry pack
I will take 1-2 suitcase
8.Do you buy traveler's checks before you go on vacation?
No, I prefer cash
Council, traveler's checks will be more convenient than cash
9.Have you ever been lost in another country?
No, because both follow the tour
Have, then find a better way of
10.Do you often get jet lag?
Do not know, because I only went to the same time zone with Taiwan's National
Have, the time difference is really difficult to be transferred back
George avatar
By George
at 2009-03-06T11:11
1. Yes, i like to travel because we can know other countries traditions.
No, because it is expensive.
2.I've been to Singapore Thailand and Japan.
I've only been to Ken-ting.
3.I like Thailand the best, because the beach is beautiful, and the people is friendly.
I like Singapore the best because it clean there.
4.Travel is too relax our minds,so i will choose to stay in a nicer hotel.
I will choose to stay in a cheaper hotel,so i could save money.
5.I like too go with the tourist, because i wont have to worry about the schedule.
I like to go alone,because i can have more freedom.
6.I bring money,camera,passport and some clothings.


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-03-05T00:00
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Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-03-05T00:00
近來聽朋友說可以到紐西蘭or澳洲打工渡假體會一下當地的生活也順便學習英文..真的好想去ㄋ..和朋友打算明年要 ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-03-05T00:00
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Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-03-05T00:00
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希望27號當天是早上9~11點的飛機~回程是下午13~15點的飛� ...


John avatar
By John
at 2009-03-05T00:00
打算5月去希臘度蜜月,想請問長安旅行社的希臘行程好嗎?有人參加過他們家的希臘行程嗎?他們有三天住在遊�� ...