haruka指定席費用問題 - 旅遊

By Dora
at 2015-11-05T01:05
at 2015-11-05T01:05
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※ 引述《rubeta (小琳子)》之銘言:
: 想請教對HARAKA費用熟悉的版友
: 一般來說我們買到的haruka+icoca套票都是特價的
: 也知道haruka只能搭自由席,要是到指定席需要補票
: 我目前查詢到的票價,以官方官網來說
: 指定席:乗車券1,880円,特急券1,290円
: 自由席:乗車券1,880円,特急券970円
: 那麼當我拿特惠的haraka票券時,是不是同等於我已經有了1,880的乘車券了?
: 只要再補1290就可以了呢?
: 很蠢的問題,但我很想知道是不是自己想的那樣,謝謝
直接回好了,我寫信問過JR West,得到回應如下
If you would like to reserve a seat of HARUKA using ICOCA & HARUKA,
it is necessary to purchase an express ticket for a reserved seat.
The fee is different depending on departure place, destination
and the day. You can find the fee exactly using Timetable & Route Finder.
Timetable & Route Finder
For your reference, if you would like to reserve a seat for HARUKA
from Kansai-airport to Kyoto, The price of Express Ticket for
reserved seat is JPY1,490(High season +200, Off season -200) .
: 想請教對HARAKA費用熟悉的版友
: 一般來說我們買到的haruka+icoca套票都是特價的
: 也知道haruka只能搭自由席,要是到指定席需要補票
: 我目前查詢到的票價,以官方官網來說
: 指定席:乗車券1,880円,特急券1,290円
: 自由席:乗車券1,880円,特急券970円
: 那麼當我拿特惠的haraka票券時,是不是同等於我已經有了1,880的乘車券了?
: 只要再補1290就可以了呢?
: 很蠢的問題,但我很想知道是不是自己想的那樣,謝謝
直接回好了,我寫信問過JR West,得到回應如下
If you would like to reserve a seat of HARUKA using ICOCA & HARUKA,
it is necessary to purchase an express ticket for a reserved seat.
The fee is different depending on departure place, destination
and the day. You can find the fee exactly using Timetable & Route Finder.
Timetable & Route Finder
For your reference, if you would like to reserve a seat for HARUKA
from Kansai-airport to Kyoto, The price of Express Ticket for
reserved seat is JPY1,490(High season +200, Off season -200) .
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