LAST THING–Vonder & Bloom on Schiphol - 荷蘭

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-11-15T17:47

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4 月 19 日 從 Madrid 飛往這次旅途的最後一站 Amsterdam
滿身的疲憊, 再拖著兩喀已經不是出發時的行李箱要走出 Schiphol 機場

我忍不住停下來聆聽, 直到她們打包散場
讓你在購買她們的 CD 之後,
然後把貼紙貼在你的家鄉, 或是你將前往的地方

她們從 2/22 到 5/31 連續 80 天 在 Schiphol 機場進行名為
現場除了販賣 CD 之外, 同時也要成就讓她們的音樂 AROUND the World 的"野心"

我買了張 CD, 跟在打包的她們小聊一下之後
請他們在 CD 上幫我簽個名

然後我就拿了張貼紙, 在台灣的中部貼了上去…

Does God make mistakes
when innocent people break
as if, their dreams are not enough
to let their prayers be heard
they’re silenced by the words
of those who speak with louder tongue
and if there are reasons
show me one

they steal your last breath
as if there’s no room left
for you
to dance in this life
where angels will fall
and you wanna run but crawl
cause you’re just to weak
to pick the fight
and if you go
I’ll fly with you tonight

So look at me (look at me)
and be the last thing I see (be the last thing I see)
close your eyes (close your eyes)
I will close mine
close your eyes
and be the last thing on my mind
be the last thing
be the last thing
when you close your eyes to leave me
I’ll close mine

Stop all the clocks
and let this heartache stop
and just be a nightmare
when we wake up we’ll reinvent our lives
change the storylines

So that the ending
will be just fine
and all our dreams survive
so look at me
look at me
and be the last thing I see (be the last thing I see)
cause when you
close your eyes (close your eyes)
I will close mine
close your eyes
and be the last thing on my mind
be the last thing
be the last thing
when you close your eyes to leave me
I’ll close mine 2x

Does God make mistakes?

Well, 我發現我還是不太會用傻瓜相機錄影

對於 Vonder & Bloom 有興趣的, 可以參考他們的Vonder & Bloom 官網
可惜內容大部份是荷蘭文, 但音樂部份則是英文歌曲囉

This is Juan (
I'd like to be a teardrop,
To be born in your eye,
To live my life on your cheek,
And on your lips to die.

Tags: 荷蘭

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Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-11-12T05:21
原PO在歐洲待了近四個月 搭了好多次廉價航空的飛機 在這邊跟大家分享一下我搭乘的心得 1. 芬蘭 坦佩雷(Tampere) ─ 德國 法蘭克福(Frankfurt Hahn) RYANAIR航班 去程39歐元、回程69歐元 坦佩雷位在赫爾辛基北邊,是芬蘭前幾大城市,從赫爾辛基坐火車約1小時多 ...

瑞士 St. Moritz 住宿 /民宿 BnB

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-11-11T15:11
好讀圖文網誌版: 話說規劃瑞士之旅時 最頭痛的就是找住宿 因為貴桑桑的物價 要找到符合自己需求又不超出預算的住宿點是一大難事 行前花了無數的時間在找住宿 甚至改了又改 為了某間BnB改變住宿點等 接 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-11-09T12:11
※ [本文轉錄自 Ind-travel 看板 #1EDZTnKk ] 作者: sanriosu (sanrio) 看板: Ind-travel 標題: [遊記] 荷蘭。荷恩蒸汽火車之旅(下) 時間: Mon Aug 1 13:19:41 2011 圖文版遊記: ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-11-09T12:10
※ [本文轉錄自 Ind-travel 看板 #1EDYLBrm ] 作者: sanriosu (sanrio) 看板: Ind-travel 標題: [遊記] 荷蘭。荷恩蒸汽火車之旅(中) 時間: Mon Aug 1 12:02:16 2011 圖文版遊記: ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-11-09T12:10
※ [本文轉錄自 Ind-travel 看板 #1EDX_Kec ] 作者: sanriosu (sanrio) 看板: Ind-travel 標題: [遊記] 荷蘭。荷恩蒸汽火車之旅(上) 時間: Mon Aug 1 11:38:57 2011 圖文版遊記: ...