Le Club (Accor Hotel) Super Sale! - 自助旅行

William avatar
By William
at 2012-11-13T12:09

Table of Contents

含Link無音樂好讀版: http://0rz.tw/9Ofup (含Le Club 白金卡註冊連結)

2012年11月13日星期二Le Club (Accor Hotel) Super Sale! 雅高集團飯店特價

非會員享有40% Off, 會員可以享有 50% Off, 沒有會員的請快註冊, 運氣好的話還可以
註冊到白金會員! 可以有機會享有房型升等, 延遲退房等福利! 值得注意的是, 這個促
銷的費率是不可退費, 更改 or 取消的!

這個Super Sale 可以訂房的時間只到2012/11/22, 可以入住的時間為
(部分國家有延長活動期間, 請看本文最末段)

When booking one of these offers, the customer agrees to have read and
accepted the following conditions:
- This offer is valid for reservations made by Le Club Accorhotels members,
Accor newsletter subscribers and Accor Advantage Plus members and the general
- between 12th November and 22nd November 2012 for Accor Advantage Plus
- between 13th November and 22nd November 2012 for Le Club Accorhotels
- between 15th November and 22nd November 2012 for ACCOR newsletter
subscribers, and
- between 19th November and 22nd November 2012 for the general public.
- All above dates are inclusive and based on local time at the hotel on which
room(s) are being booked. Booking must be prepaid online at
www.accorhotels.com and this offer applies to all stays between 15th December
2012 and 10th February 2013 (1) at participating hotels (both dates inclusive
and based on local time of the hotel in which room(s) are being booked)
- The 50% and 40% discounts (only valid in some ibis and ibis styles
hotels(2)) granted exclusively to Le Club Accorhotels members and Accor
Advantage Plus members, are applied to the public rate at the time of booking
with no conditions for the dates booked, except for pre-payment, black-out
dates set by participating hotels and availability.
- The 40% and 30% discounts (only valid in some ibis and ibis styles
hotels(2)) granted to non-Le Club Accorhotels members, are applied to the
public rate with no conditions for the dates booked, except for pre-payment,
black-out dates set by participating hotels and availability.
- Payment must be made online by credit card at the time of booking. Upon
booking, if the "Super Sale" rate is not available for all the dates
requested, another public rate will be suggested automatically on the rate
screen. Bookings cannot be changed, cancelled, exchanged or reimbursed and
cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts or special offers. (不可退
費,更改, 取消)
- Prices displayed are per night for single or double rooms and exclude
breakfast. Such prices are in local currency or US dollar currency (as
stipulated at the time of booking) and are inclusive of all local taxes
unless otherwise stipulated, exchange rates are given for information
purposes only and are non-binding. Currency applicable to the transaction and
charged to your credit card are confirmed upon booking.
- This offer is valid at participating Accor hotels, subject to availability
at time of booking and excludes black-out dates set by participating hotels.
- Le Club Accorhotels point bonuses will be credited in accordance with the
Le Club Accorhotels general terms and conditions.

1 - The staying period is extended for the following countries: (部分國家有延
Austria: between 15th December 2012 - 28th February 2013
Belgium and Luxemburg: between 15th December 2012 - 31st March 2013
The Netherlands: between 15th December 2012 - 28th March 2013
Italy: between 15th December 2012 - 31st March 2013
France: between 15th December 2012 - 31st March 2013

2 - Some ibis and ibis styles hotels offer 40% discount for Le Club
Accorhotels members and 30% discount for non-members in the following


All Comments

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2012-11-16T18:57


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2012-11-13T00:40
去年到Pittsburgh兩日遊 今天想到又再回味了一下當初寫的網誌 Pittsburgh真的是個讓人會想再去一次的地方 遊記分享給需要的人參考 因為文字很多 請大家服用網誌版^^ 網誌 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hukuvi/10741909 上 http://www ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-11-13T00:01
有搜尋過版面,似乎沒人討論過這個網站。 hop2 http://www.hop2.com/index.aspx?searchtype=F 因為今年過年想出國玩, 十月就開始問旅行社機票, 直到今日都還是沒位置的狀態,都要等清倉。 結果在這個網站上找到想要的機票,還比較便宜。 不過似乎有一些限制,不能改名 ...

<失格旅人> 0.結束與開始

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-11-12T18:47
抱歉我又要來長時間佔用版面了, 這次要分享的的旅行是絲路與西亞這一段,計畫不定期連載 大家上班無聊沒事可以看一下,免費在網上周遊列國。 阿那個,先偷偷打個廣告, 最近與其他11位板友合寫的書終於出版了, 書名叫做《從中亞到南極:批踢踢鄉民的冒險》 就像小時候買任天堂12合一卡匣一樣, 這本書一次可以讀到12段 ...

20121110 福壽山絕美楓情

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-11-12T16:24
網誌好讀版:http://blog.yam.com/pippon/article/57936013 福壽山近年來非常熱門,大概已經取代奧萬大成為台灣首屈一指的賞楓景點。 但是福壽山位於深山中,相當難以到達,附近也沒有類似清境農場那樣的民宿群, 導致前往福壽山農場旅行變成一件辛苦的事情。 即便如此還是不減 ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-11-12T14:43
不知道有沒有人知道 祕魯如果要行動上網 當地有SIM卡可買嗎? 會不會很貴 因為目前研究一下 除了網咖很便宜 還有旅館多半有WIFI外 不知道是否能用行動上網 謝謝 畢竟自助行 如果能上網會比較好查資訊 感恩 - ...