Moray Coast Trail in Scotland - 健行

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-08-30T08:54

Table of Contents

在岩石上、在鵝卵石上 (很難走)、還要過一些小溪。還有些是會迷
路的小徑 (看起來到處都像路)。



# Length Table
10. Cullen Bay: 2 Miles
9. Hard Rock Highway – Strathlene to Portknockie: 5 Miles
8. Spey Bay to Buckie – Dolphins, Ospreys and tales about Spies: 7 Miles
7. Lossiemouth to Spey Bay: Pines, pillboxes and shipyards, by an ancient sea
of stones: 8 Miles
6. Covesea to Lossiemouth: Lossiemouth,an Island in a forgotten sea loch: 3
5. Hopeman to Covesea: Cliffs, caves and coves of the Hopeman Ridge: 6 1/2
4. Burghead to Hopeman bay section 2: Look No Trains: the line to Hopeman: 2
1/2 Miles
3. Burghead to Hopeman section 1: Caer nam Broch – Burghead of the Picts: 1
1/4 Miles
2. Findhorn to Burghead: Roseisle Forest and Burghead Bay: 5 1/2 Miles
1. From Forres to Findhorn: 6 Miles

# Referenced length (exclude Forres to Findhorn):
6+5.5+1.25+2.5+6.5+3+8+7+5+2 = 46.75 mile

# Actual length (from Cullen to Findhorn)
0826: 2 + 5 + 7 = 14 mile = 22.5 km
0827: 8 + 3 + 4 1/4 (Lossiemouth to lighthouse) = 15.25 mile = 24.5 km
0828: 2.25 (lighthouse to hopeman) + 2.5 + 1.25 + 5.5 = 11.5 mile = 18.5 km
total: 40.75 mile = 65.6 km

# Actual Time Table:
0826: 1320 Cullen - 2000 Spey bay (daily walk: 6hr 40 min)
0827: 0900 Spey bay - 1500~1730 Lossiemouth - 2050 Lighthouse near Covesea
(11 hr 50 min)
0828: 0650 Lighthouse near Covesea- 0900 Hopeman - 1000 Bugerhead - 1310~1340
lunch - 1430 Findhorn (7 hr 40 min)
$ total time used: 6 4/6 + 11 5/6 + 7 4/6 = 26 1/6 hr (including rest, lunch,
ice cream, buying)
$ total walking time: 26 1/6 hr - 1.5 hr (day1) - 1.5 (day2) - 2.5 (day2 in
lossiemouth) - 1 hr (day3) = 20 1/6 hr

# Speed
$ average speed: 65.6 / (26 1/6) = 2.5 km/hr (including rest time)
$ average walking speed: 65.6 / (20 1/6) = 3.25 km/hr

# Reference
The Moray Coast Trail - walkhighlands

The Moray Coast Trail in a day!

The Moray Coast Trail (Full Route)

Other routes
Scotland's long distance walking routes

Discover Scotland's Great Trails

# Weight
Total Weight: 10.5 kg (without water and drink), 2 kg for cook in night, 1.5
kg for drink while walk.
Cooking System: Alcohol stove with 500 ml fuel (<100 ml per day). ps: The
Alcohol(90%) buy in "Boots" in Aberdeen Rail Station is terrible to wash, due
to it will be sustained in anything. Waching out do not spill it while
Sleeping System: Bivy and tarp, no sleep bag and sleep pad
Clothes: mmmm, at last 3 kg.
Food: 500g oats could eat without cook as breakfast, pasta as lunch,
instant noodles*7 as dinner.

Tags: 健行

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Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2017-08-29T15:54
鄉民們好 不曉得最近有人有前往蝴蝶谷瀑布嗎? 很久沒有去了,記得最後一次去的時候瀑布那邊的木頭步道有損壞 關鍵字搜尋板上文章似乎最近沒有人分享步道近況 最近想說要帶朋友去那邊走走 如果有人這一兩個月有去過的可以分享一下終點瀑布那邊的路況如何嗎? 謝謝~ - ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2017-08-29T14:42
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Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2017-08-29T13:10
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