Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall - 大陸旅遊

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-11-16T20:24

Table of Contents

The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall is located on
People's Square, Shanghai, China, adjacent to the municipal
government building.

The Exhibition Hall is a six-story building, with two basement levels,
which displays Shanghai's urban planning and development. Exhibitions
include models of planned and recent developments,
as well as Shanghai's history.

I think this museum is a nice and educational place. There are some
exhibitions about Shanghai Expo 2010.I believe you can get many gains.

Ticket Price:
Adult ticket : 30 yuan
Adult group ticket(more than 20 persons)by introduction letter : 24 yuan
Primary and junior high school living ticket(to be proved student card)
: 15 yuan
Old man(above 70 years old, ticket to be proved) : 15 yuan
Children below 120 cm accompany by adult : free

TUE-THU 9:00-17:00 (stop booking at 16:00)
FRI-SUN 9:00-18:00(stop booking at 17:00)
Open on national holidays.

Shanghai Metro line 1, line 2 or line 8 to People's Square


All Comments


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-11-16T16:12
之前到泉州前 上來問了一些問題 並沒有得到回覆 問旅行社也不是那麼確定 這趟走了一次小三通 茲把一些個人經驗和大家分享 1. 泉州是否有落地簽? ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-11-16T00:39
※ 引述《neon7134 (= MAKOTO = )》之銘言: : ※ 引述《unimoon2009 (月亮不見了)》之銘言: : : 香港進入深圳是比較方便的,有幾個關口可以出關, : : 關鍵在�� ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-11-15T19:06
如題。 小的想利用寒假的時候(過年前)到大陸自助旅遊 目前暫時規劃以上海蘇州為圓心(因為有親戚在這做生意)玩附近的衛星城市 大約7-10天左 ...

傍晚5:30到水頭碼頭,6:30的尚義機場飛 …

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-11-15T17:40
※ 引述《ck2008 (少年漂泊者)》之銘言: : 請問大大 : 我是25號傍晚6:30 金門到台北的飛機 : 我可以 搭4:30從廈門到金門(5:30)的船班嗎,之後再搭小黃去機� ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-11-15T16:06
請問大大 我是25號傍晚6:30 金門到台北的飛機 我可以 搭4:30從廈門到金門(5:30)的船班嗎,之後再搭小黃去機場 這樣時間來得及嗎? 另外在廈門現場買船� ...