Ueli Steck killed in Everest accident - 健行

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2017-04-30T16:29

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許多來源證實,包括尼泊爾大報 The Himalayan Times



‘Swiss Machine’ Ueli Steck killed in Mt Everest accident

Published: April 30, 2017 12:12 pm On: Nepal

KATHMANDU: Ueli Steck (41), popularly known as ‘Swiss Machine’ in the
mountaineering world was killed in an accident near Camp II on Mt Everest on
Sunday morning, multiple sources at the base camp of the world’s highest
peak confirmed.

A group of six rescuers discovered a body of the multiple-record holder
mountaineer near Nuptse Face of the Mt Everest where he could have slipped
and fell on the ice-covered slope. “The team has collected the scattered
parts of the climber’s body.” A Fishtail Air helicopter has also been sent
to Camp II to conduct a long line rescue, according to a source at base camp.

Swiss alpinist Steck and Tenzing (Tenji) Sherpa headed to Khumbu region to
attempt to climb Mt Everest by never repeated West Ridge/Hornbein Couloir
route without using supplemental oxygen in the spring climbing season. They
also set out a plan to make a descend to the South Col before taking the once
climbed direct route just below the Lhotse Face to obtain that summit record.



可能是近代最重要且著名的攀岩/登山者,享年僅 40 歲




據稱是在奴子峰面滑落至 Camp II 方向

前幾天還看到他 FB 在 Camp II 的照片,難以置信

二月他才剛在昆布山區走完 EBC 3 passes 加上島峰當練習暖身


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Simon's Blog: http://simonown.blogspot.tw 單車/登山/運動/社會/亂寫

Tags: 健行

All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-05-05T03:48
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2017-05-09T03:38
唉 悶了一天


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2017-04-29T11:18
請問版友鳶嘴山的杜鵑開了嗎?還沒的話大概是幾時呢? 謝謝 - ...

遇難47天 梁聖岳:誰先掛掉,就吃對方

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2017-04-29T11:13
遇難47天 梁聖岳:誰先掛掉,就吃對方的肉活下去! http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/local/20170428/1107781/ 在尼泊爾喜馬拉雅山區失蹤47天被搜救尋獲的台灣男子梁聖岳,今接受《蘋果》 專訪時 說,2人跌落山谷後,等待數 ...

單人帳或露宿袋(bivy sack or cover)

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2017-04-29T10:45
本來想買Bivy,因為簡單方便, 但因為是新手,一下沒弄懂,買到單人帳(日本亞馬遜) 如下: http://www.pcstore.com.tw/xlander/M21454657.htm 我其實比較喜歡美軍這個bivy cover: https://www.amazon.com/Woodland-Camo ...

秀巒派出所前土石崩落 無法車行

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-04-29T03:34
如題 剛剛經過想去霞喀羅 電線桿直接倒在路邊 這週末行程泡湯了QQ ----- Sent from JPTT on my Asus K01Q. - ...

《 遇難47天不死不是奇蹟 — 那叫「專業

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2017-04-28T16:12
也是覺得專業這詞用得不恰當, 這段路據稱不難走,故沒請嚮導, 但下了大雪,就和一般時期有極大差異了, 以台灣來說就是一般日和雪地管制, 這時候雪地裝備、嚮導、雪地經驗就很重要, 而新聞報導他們沒帶冰斧、冰爪... 若對路不熟,且沒裝備, 就算有地圖、GPS, 永遠不知道一腳踩下去, 雪下面是實的還是空的。 ...