Win award to Trek Taiwan! 贏獎金 遊台灣 - 德國

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2012-09-12T13:03

Table of Contents

【Win award to Trek Taiwan!】The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign

Win award to Trek Taiwan!
The Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign, which is widely loved by international
youth backpackers primarily aged between 18-30 years old, is back again! From
now until 8th October 2012, for more details, please go to the campaign

New addition of Working Holiday Contest and Raffle Prizes – more awards!
The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign continues to organize the
Youth trekkers campaign favored by international youth, and specially added
the Working Holiday video contest this year. Moreover, international youth
may participate in the raffle prizes for a plane ticket to Taiwan by
forwarding campaign information to friends through the event website
(! There will be 30 lucky international
youths for the 3 events who may then come to Taiwan to fulfill their trek

Win Rewards - Taiwan Trek is limited to 5 weeks, enroll quickly!
From now until 12:00 noon (Taiwan Standard Time) on October 8th of 2012,
youth from 7 countries including United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, New
Zealand, Australia, Japan and Korea conforming to the qualifications for the
application of Working Holiday / Youth Mobility Visa are invited to produce a
1-2 minute video on “Working Holiday in Taiwan”, and participate in the
Working Holiday Video Contest. Furthermore, international youth between the
ages of 18-30 who love to travel and enjoy sharing may also create a thematic
Taiwan Trek Plan of over 10 days (inclusive) in order to participate in the
Taiwan Trek Contest. Whether making films or proposing trek plans, you will
have the opportunity to obtain a fulfillment reward of US$2,000 or US$3,000
as long as your creativity conforms to the spirit of youth travel. Open the
dream to the Taiwan Trek right now!

Neus Gimeno from Spain searched for Taiwan’s organic agriculture, ranging
from tea gardens, vegetable farms, fruit forests to organic agricultural
product markets, where she smelt the natural fragrance of the earth at
different altitudes in Taiwan. Wang Chen from China indulged in the beauty of
plants and flowers, and the abundant ecology as well as unique wild flowers
and plants was the motivation for him to come to Taiwan. Taiwan’s night
markets and delicacies are renowned throughout the world, and Ilya Makowey
from Russia chose beef noodles as the theme for his experience; he not only
tasted all kinds of beef noodles in northern, central and southern Taiwan,
but further became a chef, and learned how to cook in a beef noodle store.
His dream is to open up a beef noodle store in Russia that conforms to
Russian tastes!
Taiwan’s abundant and diversified folk customs, artistic cultures and
natural landscapes are worth experiencing in-depth. If you dream bravely and
excel creatively, your Taiwan Trek dream may come true!


新增打工度假徵選及抽獎活動 獎項名額多更多!
( 轉寄活動訊息給朋友,就可以參加來台機票

贏獎金 壯遊台灣 限期五周 報名從速!
攝1-2分鐘「Working Holiday in Taiwan」短片,參加打工度假影片徵選活動;另全球喜

來自西班牙的Neus Gimeno尋訪台灣有機農業,從茶埔、菜園、果林到有機農產市集,她
食國際聞名,來自俄羅斯的Ilya Makowey選擇了牛肉麵做為他的體驗主題,他不僅僅在北


All Comments


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2012-09-12T12:51
各位大大好 我是2010~2011到德國Dresden交換生!! 回國後就馬上被國家號召 一直無法把過去的資料分享出來 只有一篇德國的十天旅誌 而現在終於退伍了 是待業人士 終於有時間把過去的照片整理一下!! 在這邊認識了許多朋友 所以把這影片分享給大家!!! 希望大家在外面多多介紹台灣 eye ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-09-12T11:47
我和老公兩個人九月底想要去奧地利蜜月, 想利用薩爾斯堡敲夜車去蘇黎士前當天來回慕尼黑,看一下啤酒節的熱鬧, 目前想要購買奧地利通票_兩人團體3天的通票, 想說如果要拉去慕尼黑就要多一天買到4天的通票, 但是又不知道從薩爾斯堡去慕尼黑,在奧地利境內到底能不能有折扣? 在Eurorail網站上查點到點的車票, ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-09-12T11:45
不好意思 真的不知道要po在哪裡問 所以在這邊問 如果有違反版規或不符規定馬上刪 我有朋友想要一雙鞋 是英國的品牌 台灣沒有專櫃 然後如果要從它的官方網站訂的話 光運費就要1000元 因此想問問看有沒有人要去英國玩 可以幫帶 不知道適不適合在這邊問 謝謝謝謝!!! 因為朋友真的很喜歡 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2012-09-11T23:59
※ 引述《diiz (diiz)》之銘言: : 10/4~10/14 預計到英國倫敦自助旅行 : 一行人有 爸爸、媽媽、姐、姐夫、我 : 由於爸媽腳程也無法走太久或站太久 : 行程需求儘量不將一天排太滿,或者是走一走就有地方坐 : 麻煩大家幫忙看一下並給點意見!! : 10/4 XX : 10/5 大英博物館 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-09-11T23:46
想買幾本有關布拉格及德國自助旅遊的書來作功課,不曉得 各方大德版友有無推薦的書籍可以參考?希望是可以有地圖 對照(這樣是比較方便到國外可以用手指去指…)及景點交 通方式之類的。 感謝啦! - ...