世界上最長的路面電車在布達佩斯上路 - 歐洲旅遊

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2016-04-05T13:39

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※ [本文轉錄自 Railway 看板 #1N0BseYf ]

作者: kkStBvasut (奧匈帝國皇家鐵道(株)) 看板: Railway
標題: [新聞] 世界上最長的路面電車在布達佩斯上路
時間: Sun Apr 3 14:52:21 2016
來源: Railway Gazette International

大意: 3/31世界上最長的路面電車正式加入布達佩斯的路面電車系統營運

是全長55.9公尺、9節的CAF Urbos Tram,在近期已完成現代化工程的1號線上路


同一批訂單中還有35列34.2公尺(5節)車,則投入3, 17, 19號線。

HUNGARY: March 31 saw the entry into passenger service of what is claimed to
be the longest tram in the world. The 55·9 m long nine-section CAF Urbos
tram is in operation on the recently modernised Route 1 in Budapest, and will
be joined by 11 more by mid-year.

Budapest transport authority BKK ordered 37 bidirectional low-floor trams in
March 2014 with options for 87 more, and later placed a firm order for a
further 10. The cost of the 47 trams is HF46·5m, of which 99·3% is being
met through EU funds and the remainder through the government and Budapest

The initial order included 12 of the 55·9 m trams, with the remaining 35
being 34·2 m long five-section vehicles. The first of the short trams
entered service in late 2015 on Route 3, with routes 17 and 19 following in

All of the trams are equipped with air-conditioning, an audio-visual
passenger information system, CCTV, an event recorder and an onboard
passenger-counting system. The vehicles have the capability of being
retrofitted with on-board energy storage for catenary-free operation in
sections of the city centre.


All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2016-04-07T02:27
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2016-04-09T18:32
William avatar
By William
at 2016-04-10T09:07
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2016-04-15T01:42
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2016-04-19T12:02

威尼斯共乘貢多拉 4/5

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-04-05T02:11
我們有兩個人現在在威尼斯 想詢問有無版友在威尼斯4/5下午想要一起共乘~ 請麻煩站內信聯絡,謝謝:) - ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2016-04-04T23:57
五月底打算要帶寶寶/老婆到巴黎自助一趟,想請教大家 有朋友的醫生有說到高空輻射比平地高很多倍,沒特別必要不要帶寶寶比較好 想請問有帶過寶寶的板大有過這方面的疑慮嗎? - ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2016-04-04T20:43
大家好,7月一行4人將到德奧捷自助 初步安排行程如下 前期排得較密集不知道實行度是否OK 麻煩大家能協助給些建議 day1凌晨5點到法蘭克福機場--市區走走後--租車 到博帕德看看大轉彎後開到烏茲堡--羅騰堡//宿羅騰堡 day2羅騰堡--海德堡--特里貝格--宿特里貝格或蒂蒂湖 day3富森新 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2016-04-04T19:43
※ 引述《kppt (kppt)》之銘言: : 大家好,我預計5/26或5/27要去梵蒂岡,想參觀梵蒂岡博物館(會預約)跟大教堂,因為 : 大教堂想登頂,想請問博物館跟大教堂的順序要怎麼排,才能避開登頂的人潮,是要早上 : 先去博物館還是大教堂呢? : 麻煩大家給我意見,謝謝 重視拍照的就上午梵諦岡 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2016-04-04T19:05
想請教各位版友,假設我們一行人大人 五人,7歲兒童一人,低於六歲幼兒兩 人,兒童的父母親皆一起出遊。 若要購買德鐵的團體票如邦票或週末票 等,官網說明是團體票上線五人,兒童 不計費,那是表示我們五大三小要買一 張團體票,還是得拆成兩張,變成 (大大大大童)+(大兒兒)呢?感謝解答。 ---- ...