中國CN>北京BJN>居庸關長城JuYongGuan Great Wall - 自助旅行

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-12-13T22:10

Table of Contents


JuYong Pass located at Chang Pin country, it's about 60km far from Beijing
city. Now is China's AAAA travel spot which protected by the country,
meanwhile was selected as United Nation's "World Heritage".

JuY0ng Pass was known as "The greatest pass of the world", it was named as
Qing Shi Huang used this to imprison offender.

The Great Wall is one of the 7 wonders, and was reported to be seen in moon
by human eyes.

The autumn is nice and cool; the stretched mountain presents the glorious
look and still emerald. I believe there will be different view and experience
for four seasons.


When you up the stairs, you'll pant and legs feel weak; while you down the
stairs, you'll nervous and legs shaking terribly. It's uneasy to climb the
stair case which is excess normal distance and steep,too. Hard to imagine
how's the soldiers marching or battling here.

Another nearest Great Wall spot is BaDaLing which was also quite famous
travel spot. Some event plan for 2 days 1 night there to see the lighting
show at night.

According to China's growth these years, a lots of big brand came into China
market which feature the chinese traditional. This is one of them who take
The Great Wall as the grand runway


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Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-12-13T22:06
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Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2009-12-12T23:05
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By Regina
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