中國CN>大同DT>雲岡石窟 Yun Gang Grottoes - 自助旅行

By Todd Johnson
at 2009-12-13T22:11
at 2009-12-13T22:11
Table of Contents
From my secondary school’s history lesson, the 3 greatest grottoes from
China was known as ShanXi’s YuGang Grottoes, DunHuang’s MoGao Grottoes and
LuoYang LongMen Grottoes. But according to wikipedia, there is 4 greatest
grottoes in China, which included TianShui’s MaiJiShan Grottoes.
,可能會耗上一整天 ;普羅大眾在沒有導遊的解說之下,多數人都很難知道其中的奧妙
The grottoes are all about Buddhist, the sculpture is exquisite and fully
contented. For those religious savants, they may stay for whole day long; for
those who are not, you won’t know much without the tour guide explanation.
A Grottoes like this, of course it was selected as one of the UNESCO World
Heritage site.
As time passes, underneath part of the grottoes was ruined. While at the Qing
dynasty, they drilled in the wooden stick to solidify the grouting; but few
hundred years later, it came off and shows a lot of hole.
Today I realize the bonus of “Sunny Day” to photography. ♡HaPpY ♡
From my secondary school’s history lesson, the 3 greatest grottoes from
China was known as ShanXi’s YuGang Grottoes, DunHuang’s MoGao Grottoes and
LuoYang LongMen Grottoes. But according to wikipedia, there is 4 greatest
grottoes in China, which included TianShui’s MaiJiShan Grottoes.
,可能會耗上一整天 ;普羅大眾在沒有導遊的解說之下,多數人都很難知道其中的奧妙
The grottoes are all about Buddhist, the sculpture is exquisite and fully
contented. For those religious savants, they may stay for whole day long; for
those who are not, you won’t know much without the tour guide explanation.
A Grottoes like this, of course it was selected as one of the UNESCO World
Heritage site.
As time passes, underneath part of the grottoes was ruined. While at the Qing
dynasty, they drilled in the wooden stick to solidify the grouting; but few
hundred years later, it came off and shows a lot of hole.
Today I realize the bonus of “Sunny Day” to photography. ♡HaPpY ♡
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