中文自我介紹翻譯成英文的 - 旅遊

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-01-15T00:00

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我叫XXX 家裡住台北 家中成員有媽媽 哥哥 還有我
母親在餐廳工作 興趣是 打籃球 看電影
我畢業於聖心高中 餐飲科 而目前就讀於 X X 旅遊管理系
而在語言方面,我的英文程度是中等 但是我會努力學習

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Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-01-17T21:33
我叫XXX 家裡住台北 家中成員有媽媽 哥哥 還有我
母親在餐廳工作 興趣是 打籃球 看電影
My name is XXX. I come from Taipei. I live with my mother and my brother. My mopther works in a
restaurant and my bobbies is playing basketball and movies.
我畢業於聖心高中 餐飲 科 而目前就讀於 X X 旅遊管理系
而在語言方面,我的英文程度是中等 但是我會努力學習
I graduated from the restaur management department of 聖心 high school and now I study in the
travel management department of the XX college.
I embrace great hope and confidence in the future. Consequently, I will try to do my best for my
duty. As a result, I believe that I can execute very well when I have an opportunity.
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-01-15T14:06
I am called in XXX family to be occupied by in the Taibei members to
have mother elder brother also to have my mother am play the
basketball in the dining room work interest to watch the movie
I graduate to the heart of the Buddha high school dining branch
but at present go study to X X traveling management am but in the
language aspect, my English degree is medium but I can diligently
I have entertained the very high hope and the confidence
regarding mine future therefore regarding mine work can use
whole-heartedly therefore so long as I have the opportunity, I
believed I certainly may do am very good.


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-01-14T00:00
我從未搭過國內線班機(應該是說除了很小的時候坐過一次國內線外,從沒搭過飛機..汗and#34;),我想要利用網路訂� ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-01-14T00:00


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-01-14T00:00
預計1/4搭機到關西空港希望景點:有馬溫泉一日(過夜)和歌山溫泉一~二日(過夜)奈良請問如何行程如何安排樂天訂房 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-01-14T00:00
想請問大家關於一些到台中旅遊方面的問題!我們從高雄到台中大約10:51分預計住的地方是and#34;金樺大飯店and#34;也� ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-01-14T00:00
我要準備去做這份工作,所以別亂回答我,感謝您。我要準備去做這份工作,所以別亂回答我,感謝您。我要準備 ...