中翻英...不要翻譯軟體..20點 - 旅遊

By Hamiltion
at 2005-11-01T00:00
at 2005-11-01T00:00
Table of Contents
嗨!大家好,我叫daniel ,今年23歲,天蠍座,a型,家住台北,我的家庭有四個人,爸、媽還有一個妹妹,家庭非常的和樂,父親是個商人,每天辛苦的工作,希望能開一台BENZ,母親是家管,為了家事而繁忙,而妹妹是個護士,希望她能幫助許多的病人,我現在就讀的是醒吾技術學院,觀光系<tourism>,我的興趣是和朋友一起唱歌、爬山、打籃球、上網,偶爾還會下廚作菜,因為以前主修過餐飲(F&B),還有看棒球賽,最喜歡的球隊是美國職棒大聯盟<MLB>的紐約洋基隊<yankees>,因為隊裡面有一個來自我們台灣的球員,他叫王建民<TIGER WANG>,是我們台灣的驕傲,是第一個站上洋基球場的台灣人,他是個非常努力的球員,加上天生的好條件,所以正在美國大聯盟中,發光發熱,是我目前最尊敬的球員,我曾去過歐洲三個國家旅遊,有義大利、瑞士以及法國,義大利的米蘭(Milan),是個時尚之都,是個買衣服的好地方,瑞士的琉森(Luzern),,風景美的像幅畫一樣,巧克力非常美味,法國巴黎過(Paris)是個浪漫的地方,坐船遊塞納河(la Seine),真懷念左岸的咖啡香,希望下次能有機會再去歐洲,西班牙我來了!我想在未來的日子裡,要珍惜每一分、每一秒,畢竟自己已經長大,好好的立定志向,在學校裡,再補充自己的餐(F&B)旅(TOUR)知識,進而能夠多元化的發揮,希望自己以後,還是能夠在服務業界中服務,不管將來自己是從事餐飲、觀光或是旅館方面的工作,都是要盡心盡力的完成,而在之後的計劃,則是先加強自己的語文能力,讓自己的工作能力再上一層樓,且服務社會大眾,期許自己在觀光、餐飲業中能夠有好的發展,而讓自己的努力以赴,變得讓大家有目共睹,最後謝謝大家的聆聽!
All Comments

By Blanche
at 2005-11-02T07:11
at 2005-11-02T07:11
Hi everyone! My name is Daniel. I am 23years old this year , and I am a scorpio. My blood type is A. I live in Taipei and we have four members in our family: my dad, my mum and my younger sisiter. We are a close and happy family.
My dad is a businessman, he works hard everyday. He hopes one day in can afford a benz. My mum is a domestic worker. There is a lot of housework that keeps her busy. As for my sister, she is a nurse. She hopes that she can help the people who are ill. Right now I attend the Xin Wu techniques College. I am doing a course on tourism.
My hobbies are to go singing with my friends, mountain climbing, playing basketball, surf the net, and I cook occasionally, because I studied a cuisine course(F&B)before. I also like to watch baseball games.
最喜歡的球隊是美國職棒大聯盟<MLB>的紐約洋基隊<yankees>,因為隊裡面有一個來自我們台灣的球員,他叫王建民<TIGER WANG>,是我們台灣的驕傲,是第一個站上洋基球場的台灣人,
My favourite team is the New York Yankees from America's MLB, because one of the team memeber comes from Taiwan. His name is Tiger Wang, and he is Taiwan's pride. Tiger Wang is the first ever Taiwanese to be playing in Caucasian teams.
He is a very hard-working player, in addition to his natural talent with baseball. Therefore he is making a big hit in the MLB, and he is my most respected player.
2005-11-05 19:28:32 補充:
答案還限2000字?我的又沒超過為什麼不讓我po?? _
2005-11-05 19:30:30 補充:
I have travelled to three European countries before. I have been to Italy, Switzerland. The city of Milan in Italy is a fasion capital, and is a very good place to shop for clothes.
The Luzern of Switzerland have picturesque sceneries. The chocolate there is delicious.
2005-11-05 19:31:19 補充:
The city of Paris in France is a very romantic place. I miss the aroma of coffee while cruising on the River of the Seine. Hopefully I can get another chance to visit Europe one day. Spain, here I come!
I hope in the future I am able to appreciate every second of life.
2005-11-05 19:31:53 補充:
After all I have grown up, I need to set my own goals. In my studies, I need to gain more knowledge on cuisine(F&B) and about tourism. I want to expand towards a variety of skills, and hope in the future I can also work in the area of customer service.
2005-11-05 19:32:23 補充:
What ever that I might be doing in the future, whether it be on cuisine, tourism or hospitality, I want to give it my best. My ultimate goal is to improve on my language skills, which can give my job a boost. This can also help me to serve a bigger field of the society.
2005-11-05 19:32:44 補充:
I hope in tourism or hospitality my hard work pays off and I can become successful, and others can be proud of my work.
Thank you for listening.

By Wallis
at 2005-11-02T11:44
at 2005-11-02T11:44

By Irma
at 2005-11-03T12:55
at 2005-11-03T12:55
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