倫敦2 for 1 優惠疑問 - 歐洲旅遊

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-05-30T20:51

Table of Contents

對於2 for 1的規則有幾點疑問

1.如果使用travel card一定要在火車站買紙卡才能使用2 for 1優惠
使用天數就如travel card天數 很好理解

2.如果是火車票 當天進倫敦的火車票可當天使用
比如:愛丁堡到倫敦的火車票 可當天使用2 for 1優惠 這也很好理解

3.從外地來的 若持有到倫敦的來回車票 這段期間都可使用
比如: 6/1從愛丁堡到倫敦+ 6/6從倫敦回愛丁堡 的車票
那從6/1~6/6都可出示這兩張車票使用2 for 1優惠

If for example you are buying single tickets, e.g.Advance tickets to London
for a one-way journey on a Monday, and Advance tickets for departing London
on a Friday you will be able to use the vouchers during the Monday-Friday
period, provided you show both outward and return tickets (remember to tell
the train company staff that you need to keep your outward tickets!).

If for example you buy Return tickets to London, outbound on a Monday and
returning on a Friday, you will be able to use the vouchers throughout
the Monday-Friday period, provided you show both outward and return
portions of your tickets (remember to tell the train company staff that
you need to keep your outward tickets!).

所以如果6/1倫敦到愛丁堡 +6/6愛丁堡回倫敦
持有這兩張火車票 從6/1~6/6也都可使用2 for 1優惠

這個...勉強可以理解 因為2 for 1優惠有些是倫敦以外的地方?

照官網的說法,似乎一定要持有"來回票" 才行??單程票就不可以??
如果倫敦市區內的火車就可以的話 我豈不是可以搭個一站就算數?


附上2 for 1的FAQ網址


All Comments

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2013-06-02T22:12
point 3 is about using 2 SINGLE tickets acting as your
return ticket, and point 4 is about using your 2
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-06-06T10:08
portions of the RETURN ticket. in practice, any valid
ticket can be used as long as there's national rail's
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-06-11T05:03
two arrows mark on it regardless the destination of
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-06-16T01:40
your ticket. you can indeed buy a ticket from, eg.,
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2013-06-16T04:39
vauxhall to waterloo for the 2 for 1 offer whether you
travel on the train or not.
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-06-17T16:54
any national rail ticket valid on the day can be used.
George avatar
By George
at 2013-06-21T08:42
I see! thank you so much!


Una avatar
By Una
at 2013-05-30T11:31
圖文好讀版 http://jay7134.pixnet.net/blog/post/149075218 簡單介紹我們在布拉格行動的三個好朋友,布拉格地鐵、公車與路面電車(Tram) 捷克是我們在歐洲旅行中,交通費花最少的國家,大眾運輸的品質又好,CP值很高 而且票卷統一,一張車票可搭乘大部分交通工具,相 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-05-29T23:31
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Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2013-05-29T17:01
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Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
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請教關於英國"BritRail Pass"的使用

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-05-28T17:14
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