可以幫我把這篇日記翻譯成英文嗎(20點) - 旅遊

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2006-06-10T00:00

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麻煩一下了 以下的內容
今天一大早就跟家人一起前往墾丁,我爸爸 媽媽 妹妹趁假日的時候大家一起到外旅遊,從台中出發大概花了三各小時的時間才到達,沿路大家說說笑笑享受大自然的風景,到達的時候,看到了沙灘,海水,陽光,我跟妹妹都忍不住尖叫了起來,接著我們就開始在海灘上戲水,打球,還拍了許多照片,下午我們就近找了一間餐廳喝著下午茶,邊吃邊聊天,晚上就居住在事先預約好的飯店,飯店裡的設施還不錯,有健身房,游泳池等等設施,隔天我們就前往著名的海洋博物館參觀,裡面有著各式各樣的海洋生物,大家看了都很好奇,幸好有解說員說明各種海洋生物的介紹,之後大家都累了,爸爸就開著車載著我們回家去囉,結束這兩天一夜的旅遊

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Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2006-06-12T23:16
今天一大早就跟家人一起前往墾丁,我爸爸 媽媽 妹妹趁假日的時候大家一起到外旅遊,
I went to Ken-Ting with my family this early morning. My father, mother, younger sister took a trip to make use of holidays.
It took us about 3 hours from Taichung to get there,
Everyone chattered gaily and enjoyed the views of nature all the way.
When we arrived in Ken-Ting, my sister and I couldn't help and screamed when we saw the sunshine, crystal water and sunshine.
Then, we started dabbling in the sea, played ball on beach and took lost of pictures as well.
We had tea time at a close-by taff, ate while chatting that afternoon.
We stayed at the hotel what we had reserved before. They had nice facilities, a gym, the pool and so on.
Another day, we visited the famous oceanarium, there were all kinds of marine animals.
Everyone was so courious, foutunately, the narrater explained all kinds of marine animals to us.
We all felt tired, Daddy drove us to home!! A two-day trip was ended!
2006-06-11 22:13:30 補充:
接著我們就開始在海灘上戲水,打球,還拍了許多照片,Then, we started dabbling in the sea, played ball on beach and took *lots* of pictures as well.
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2006-06-13T01:47
Today very early on together goes to Kending with the family member, my father and mother the younger sister travel together while holiday time everybody to outside, embarked from Taichung probably spend three each hour time only then to arrive, along the road everybody had a friendly chat enjoys the nature the scenery, arrived, saw the sand beach, the sea water, the sunlight, I have all borne with the younger sisters screamed, we started on the beach to play with water in addition, play a ball game, but also has patted the ornamental hairpin h picture, afternoon we nearby looked for to drink the afternoon tea, chatted while eating the day, evening lived the hotel which beforehand made an appointment, in the hotel facility is being also good, Has the gymnasium, swimming pool and so on facility, previous day we went to the famous sea museum visit, inside had all kinds of marine life, everybody looked very curiously, luckily some narrators explained each kind of marine life the introduction, everybody has been tired afterwards, the daddy drived carries us to go home, finished a these two days night of traveling
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-06-13T16:11
Today in early morning go to with family together Kenting, my father, mother, younger sister took advantage of time everyone of the day off went to the outside tour together, from Taichung set out to probably spend time of three each ones to just arrive, follow road everyone said that smiled scenery of enjoying the great universe, arrive of time, came in sight of sandy beach, sea water, sunlight, I cannoted help but screaming with younger sisters all get up, immediately after we started at sea beach up the drama water, play ball, also took many photographs, in the afternoon we close at hand find a restaurant drinks an afternoon tea, the side eats the side chat, in the evening live in in advance reserve a good hotel,the facilities in the hotel isn't bad, there is gym, the swimming pool etc. facilities, we go to the well-known ocean museum visit next day, having various marine lifes inside, everyone sawed all curious, hasing the introduction that the announcer explains various marine life happily, after everyone was tired, father opens a car to carry us to go home, end the tour of this two days and one nights.


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-06-10T00:00


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-06-10T00:00

有關澎湖”自助”旅遊???20點喔  快來快來

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2006-06-10T00:00
恩~我們目前是學生.想在9月初左右去澎湖玩,時間大概是3天2夜,我們的預算大概是6000左右,希望是蟲嘉義或台南搭船 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2006-06-10T00:00
我想請問各位網友 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2006-06-10T00:00
我已經滿20歲了最近想辦VISA金融卡(就是帳戶有多少就可以刷多少那種)目前看到富邦和中國信託都有不知道要辦哪� ...