專業中英翻譯禁忌翻譯軟體 - 旅遊

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-11-01T00:00

Table of Contents

1. Taiwan citizens can now travel to China via quick money-saving hops across a narrow sea channel, another sign of fast-warming ties between Taiwan and China. Starting from today, anyone from Taiwan proper can fly to outlying Jinmen or Matsu, a 45-minute domestic plane ride, and then board ferries that run between those islands and China's Fujian province.
2. According to an astronomer, this year the fullest moon in the eighth month of the lunar year appears on September 27th, two days after the Festival. He said usually as people celebrate the traditional holiday, they expect to appreciate a perfectly round moon, a symbol of family reunion.
3. Taiwan universities will begin taking students from China next year for the first time ever. Government agencies are said to be studying the details on ways to allow students from China as part of President Ma Ying-jeou's policy of increasing exchanges between Taiwan and China.
Tags: 旅遊

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2008-11-04T17:24
1. Taiwan citizens can now travel to China via quick money-saving hops across a narrow sea channel, another sign of fast-warming ties between Taiwan and China. Starting from today, anyone from Taiwan proper can fly to outlying Jinmen or Matsu, a 45-minute domestic plane ride, and then board ferries that run between those islands and China's Fujian province.
譯:臺灣公民現在到中國旅遊藉由經過窄小海峽, 能夠更快且省錢,另一信號顯示兩岸關係的快速加溫暖化.從今天起開始任何臺灣公民准于搭國內班機45分飛往金門或馬祖,然後坐船行駛於福建省各小島之間.
2. According to an astronomer, this year the fullest moon in the eighth month of the lunar year appears on September 27th, two days after the Festival. He said usually as people celebrate the traditional holiday, they expect to appreciate a perfectly round moon, a symbol of family reunion.
譯:根據天文學家說法,今年陰曆八月月亮最滿圓的時刻是出現在九月二十七日 ,即中秋節之後兩天. 他說通常人們慶祝傳統中秋節是期望能夠欣賞滿圓的月亮,這是家族再團圓的象徵.
3. Taiwan universities will begin taking students from China next year for the first time ever. Government agencies are said to be studying the details on ways to allow students from China as part of President Ma Ying-jeou's policy of increasing exchanges between Taiwan and China.


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-11-01T00:00
1.三天兩夜475元美金含來回火車票及兩晚旅館這樣算貴嗎???2.一樣是475從波士頓到紐約一樣是來回火車票和兩晚旅�� ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-11-01T00:00


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-11-01T00:00
我們一家三口,從新竹湖口站出發,開車自由行...帶著十個月大的BABY,她還不會行走,需要抱抱,肚子餓餓呢?皆� ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-11-01T00:00
請問~想在明年的過年期間安排三天兩夜的兩人自由行~約一月底左右~能否請各位旅遊達人推薦景點及住宿呢???開車 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-11-01T00:00