巴賽隆納 1/21-24 馬德里 1/25-28 - 借宿

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2012-01-16T11:21

Table of Contents

[ID/暱稱] ERIC

[性別] 男

[希望借宿地點] 西班牙/巴塞隆納 1/21-24 馬德里 1/25-29

[希望借宿日期/人數] 2 (同上)

[自我介紹] 住宿人自我介紹

Spend four and half days in Barcelona. Want to visit some museums and have
nice food. We will be flying to Madrid at 25th 4 pm by plane. Staying there
for another three and half days. We will probably rent a car and drive around
the city. it will also be great if you can join us!

1. 請簡介一下你(以及夥伴)這個人(出生地/成長背景/個性/目前職業等):
I am 24 years old. I am very outdoor. I grew up in Australia and Japan. I am
very outdoorand easy going. Like to meet new people and make friends.

2. 是否有CS經驗?請簡述之(次數/地方/心得):
Nope. It will be my first time posting an article here. However, I have been
backpacking many times before.

3. 興趣及專長:
Play guitar, basketball and eating

4. 個人座右銘:
Life is short so Let's enjoy it.

5. 曾旅行過或希望去的城市、國家:
I have been to many countries besides europe.

6. 網誌/CS、HC或IHAOKE檔案/FB/MSN等:(建議盡量提供,或私下補寄)

[行程規劃] 大致旅遊時程/計畫

[備註事項] 個人習慣/其他特別事項
Please let me know if there is anything you want from Taiwan.
i can help to bring some food or stuff from Taiwan as my appreciation of
letting me stay. I do not smoke and I am neat!


Tags: 借宿

All Comments

澳洲Bendigo LaTrobe交換學生

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2012-01-13T12:35
[ID/暱稱] PTT ID/暱稱 Curtis [性別] 男/女 男 [希望借宿地點] 國名/城市名 Australia/Bendigo [希望借宿日期/人數] 日期/人數 2/9 2/10 2/13 1人 [自我介紹] 住宿�� ...

高雄 苓雅區/文化中心高師大

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-01-12T16:39
[ID/暱稱] PTT ID / 暱稱 free2345 北極熊 [性別] 男/女 女 [地點] 國名/城市名 高雄市苓雅區 臨近文化中心,高師大 [可供住宿期間] 請以年/月~年/�� ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-01-11T21:48
[ID/暱稱] PTT ID/暱稱 sskid/艾迪 [性別] 男/女 24 / 女 [希望借宿地點] 國名/城市名 香港/皆可 [希望借宿日期/人數] 日期/人數 01/21-01/29 /1人 [自�� ...

1/13 台北市or新北 一晚

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2012-01-11T21:40
[ID/暱稱] PTT ID/暱稱 gasiacruise [性別] 男/女 男 [希望借宿地點] 國名/城市名 台北市or新北市 (只要方便就可以了^^) [希望借宿日期/人數] 日期/人數 1/13 1�� ...

台中市 南區irene8810

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-01-11T10:23
[感謝ID/暱稱] 提供沙發者/擔任地陪者的ID/暱稱 irene8810/劉小姐 [借宿日期/地點] 2012/01/09 台中市 南區 [感謝文] 騎了428公里的旅程,終於在1/9晚上到達 ...