建議行程? - 德國

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-06-22T01:17

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you may go to austria as well ~ as there are some small town quite
attractive, i.e. salzburg and innsbrucks.

For Innsbrucks, not much people will go there unless you go there for
ice skating, since the train fare is quite expensive, but the view in there
are really great.

for Salzburg, a quite famous town in austria, cus of the "Sound of Music".
i ve join the "Sound of music" tour and i think it is quite good.
um.... cus the car will drive you some countryside which you won't go by

so you can think abt it.

and for vienna....as compare to prague, i think vienna not attractive for me.
if you need some more information , i m ok to send you in details.

※ 引述《smallstupid (我最愛賴小璇囉)》之銘言:
: 小弟預計今年11月要去波蘭(KraKow)跟捷克(Pargue)開會
: 開會時間是11/4~11/6 (pargue)
: 11/6~11/10 (Krakow)
: 回國時間 11/20
: 考慮玩的部分 想請問各位板大一個問題
: 不知道各位建議小弟是否要在這兩個國家玩呢 還是到第三國(德國,奧地利等)?
: 謝謝各位!

I just wanna do something I Like.....

where's my road? where's my dream......
我 如果有夢 有沒有錯
錯過才會加明白 明白堅持是什麼......

Tags: 德國

All Comments


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2009-06-20T23:48
你可以先在中央車站換小額 記得當初我只換了10歐元...反正只是要先搭車 (這樣虧比較少) 布拉格舊城區有幾個點匯率比較好 從Namisti Republick(拼法� ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-06-20T22:37
※ 引述《Offen (每天都想AAD)》之銘言: : 如題 : 七月計畫到德國和捷克一遊 : 預計從柏林搭火車到布拉格 : 當天再從布拉格殺到 CK (可怕的拉車日阿 因�� ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-06-20T20:33
如題 七月計畫到德國和捷克一遊 預計從柏林搭火車到布拉格 當天再從布拉格殺到 CK (可怕的拉車日阿 因為最後要從布拉格飛回台灣 所以先玩CK再回布�� ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-06-19T15:57
圖文並茂版 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/drizzlelin/9505922 ~*希臘蜜月*~世界文化遺產at伯羅奔尼撒半島 這天的重頭戲~ 是要去希臘遺跡集流最多的-伯羅奔尼撒半島~ ...

從法國到德國 尋找最划算的方案

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-06-19T05:14
有買法國SNCF的carte 12-25的話 兩個禮拜之前買車票的折扣滿大的 但是也只限法國境內的路程 不過歐洲有很多廉價航空,有時候比坐火車還便宜 除非�� ...