急翻英文自我介紹....~~~(各位大大幫忙一下) - 旅遊

George avatar
By George
at 2007-12-03T00:00

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我叫做Monoca 出生自台北今年15歲, 家裡有個讀小學3年級弟弟及爸爸跟媽媽,我喜歡下廚料理東西,聽音樂,旅遊,看電影,因為希望能夠加強英文能力,所以選擇外語科系,在學校喜歡跟同學聊天或是複習老師教的內容,未來我想當一位電腦應用的工程師

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Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-12-03T03:37
Hi, everyone
My name is Monoca, I was born in Taipei and I am currently fifteen years old. I have a younger brother who is only third grade at an elementary school, father and mother in my family. I love cooking food, listening music, traveling to cities, watching movies. I am hoping to improve my English ability, so I decided to major in foreign language. I like to chat with my friends or review class notes from the class discussion. In the future, I would like to be a computer engineer.
I am hoping to fulfill my dream, and it's my self-introduce, thank everyone for listening.
2007-12-03 21:43:24 補充:
謝謝發問者妳的肯定 還有就是我中間有寫到who is only third grade(寫妳弟的地方)應該要改成who is only "in" third grade, 不好意思我的筆誤. 畢竟本人在美國常做自我介紹,所以非常樂意幫忙, anyway...希望妳自我介紹一切都順利,
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-12-04T14:18
Hi everybody,
My name is Monoca, I born in Taipei Taiwan. I'm fifteen years old. I
have a yonger brother, (who is only third grade), my dad and my mom.
I like to cook, listening to music, travel, and watch movies. Because I
want to speak English very well, so I learn English very hard. At school I like to talk to my friends or review what the teacher have taught. I want to be a Computer application engineer.
I hope this come true. Above is my selfhood introduce.
Thank you everybody.
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2007-12-05T05:20
Hi everybody,
My name is Monoca, I born in Taipei Taiwan. I'm fifteen years old
now, I have a yonger brother, he is a third grader, my dad and my mom.
I like to cook, listen to music, travel, and watch movies. Because I want
to speak English, so I learn English very hard. At school I like to talk to my friends or review what the teacher have taught. I want to be a
Computer application engineer.
I hope this come true. Above is my selfhood introduce.
Thank you everybody.


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