拜託英文高手幫我翻英文10點唷 - 旅遊

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-03-18T00:00

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上台介紹給大家聽的 介紹的地點是公園 不需要太難的字彙 簡單易懂就好 拒絕翻譯機!!! 翻得好10點謝謝:)
今年寒假我和朋友去日本迪士尼拍的 照片中我隔壁的女生是我的國小同學 我們認識很久也很好 可以看到照片中我們身後的城堡很夢幻漂亮
為了到日本自助旅行 我們花了許多時間計畫也做了很多功課 所以當我看到這美麗的城堡時覺得很感動
我本身英文也不錯 只是想看大家怎麼翻得更漂亮 請不要亂謝謝^^
Tags: 旅遊

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Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-03-18T06:07
南老大您好, 也讓Panda try try ㄅ; 如下: 今年寒假我和朋友去日本迪士尼拍的, 照片中我隔壁的女生是我的國小同學.This photo was taken at the Tokyo Disneyland during winter break earlier this year, and the girl next to me was my grade school classmate. 我們認識很久也很好, 可以看到照片中我們身後的城堡很夢幻漂亮.We have known each other for ages and are very close. As you can see, the castle behind us is beautiful in a surreal way. *for ages = 很久 *surreal = 不真實/夢幻般的
為了到日本自助旅行, 我們花了許多時間計畫也做了很多功課, 所以當我看到這美麗的城堡時覺得很感動.In order to travel to Japan on our own, we spent quite some time planning and boosting our knowledge for the trip, so upon seeing the beautiful castle, I was extremely touched. *boosting knowledge = 補充知識 希望有幫助…
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2013-03-19T23:42
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2013-03-22T03:29
Winter vacation this year me and my friend went to Japan in Walt Disney Pictures taken by the girl next to me is my elementary classmate we have known for a long time for a good photo can be seen behind us in a dream Castle of beautifulJapan travel we spent a lot of time to plan and do a lot of homework so when I saw this beautiful castle was moved
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-03-21T09:41
Tina 的翻譯正確性高,可以拿98分。
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-03-22T07:09
The photo was taken at Disney Land in Japan on the winter vacation this year. The girl next to me was a classmate of mine from the elementary school, and we've known each other for a long time and are very close to each other. The castle behind us as you can see in the photo is very beautiful and fantastic.
To travel on our own, we spent a lot of time on planning and researching, so when I saw this beautiful castle, I was very touched.
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-03-22T07:48
The winter vacation I and my friend go to Disney word take some photo,in picture by my side that girl is my elementary school class mates.We to know in long time,and we are best friend.you can see in photo at the back have very pretty an allision scenery. For this time,japanes travel we use very more at hazard andhome work, so we will see this beautiful castle we will very affecting.
2013-03-19 20:41:49 補充:


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2013-03-18T00:00


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-03-18T00:00
我現在是大二英文系的學生~~~總覺得學英文應該是要出國看看~~所以想要在暑假的時候出國去遊學~~~想請問有沒有� ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-03-18T00:00
我想問一下從高雄坐飛機到澎湖(三天兩夜)的行程,是要自助旅遊還是跟團的,哪一種比較划算,另外兩個大人兩個小孩(一個三歲一個一歲)的房間比較建議� ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-03-18T00:00
想請教各位有經驗的大大安排一下行程我打算去3或者4天.景點是:這3個一定要去1清境2九族文化村3日月潭以下的是� ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-03-18T00:00
我與家人最近要到南投縣的車埕和集集去旅遊是一日遊的行程,想請各位提供一些旅遊建議希望是以自身去過的經 ...