捷克往返比利時 捷克航空之電子機票 - 歐洲旅遊

By Damian
at 2011-10-12T19:30
at 2011-10-12T19:30
Table of Contents
情況是這樣的, 10/10臨時起意在GOVOLO網站上訂了捷克航空的機票
10/13(四)~10/16(日) 捷克往返比利時, 人目前在捷克布拉格..
BOOKING完後, 該網站有寄EMAIL過來, 確認已訂位
然而 現在是捷克時間 10/12 中午了, 完全沒有其他信件寄過來我的電子信箱:(
我想說該不會是卡在我的信用卡 要有APPROVAL? 但好像不是這個問題:(
10/11 有寫信過去詢問 但還未有人回應....
Thank you for your booking, dated 10/10/11 at 17:38, on our web site GOVOLO
for a flight Prague (République Tchéque) / Brussels (Belgique).
This document is not the final confirmation of your booking; however, it
indicates that your file has been duly recorded for treatment. Your booking
will be confirmed only after payment approval.
THIS CONFIRMATION IS NOT YOUR E-TICKET : You’ll soon be e-mailed your
e-ticket reference (This document will be ESSENTIAL).
You must check your e-mail box until the day before your departure. All
necessary or last-minute information, regarding required documents or
modifications about your trip, will be sent to you at this address.
Please copy your file reference, essential in case of further inquiry
Your file reference :某串號碼
並記載了我的個人資料 還有 Details on selected flightS
You have chosen an e-ticket (subject to airline approval).
You will receive your e-ticket reference by e-mail shortly.
This reference will be required at the airline check-in, in exchange of your
boarding pass..
Your ticket will be issued on the very day of, or at the latest on the day
following your full payment .
很擔心 如果接下來這幾個小時沒收到電子機票,
明天一早趕去機場CHECK IN 早上七點的班機, 會不會烏龍一場?
All Comments

By Catherine
at 2011-10-15T14:46
at 2011-10-15T14:46

By Ula
at 2011-10-17T21:52
at 2011-10-17T21:52
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