日本九州 江戶時期庭院水前寺成趣園 - 九州

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-10-04T00:40

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※ [本文轉錄自 Ind-travel 看板 #1M40Epn5 ]

作者: petitebebe (petitebebe) 看板: Ind-travel
標題: [遊記] 日本九州 江戶時期庭院水前寺成趣園
時間: Sun Oct 4 00:34:56 2015

中英文圖文並茂部落格: http://bit.ly/1iUafU9

圖蠻多的,也覺得蠻美XD 建議點連結直接看


水前寺成趣園建於1636年為當時江戶時期熊本番的武士大名細川 忠利的 茶園休息憩。江戶時期的庭院都會建造象徵日本富士山的小山,水前寺成趣園不例外的有富士山,也有小湖以示整個日本島嶼。





Suizen-ji Jōju-en located in Kumamoto of Kyushu Island, is beyond word to describe its beauty, a haven of serenity a person can find traveling, an everlasting moment with its scenery, the 370 years old Tsukiyama garden.

The garden is dated back to 1636 as a tea retreat for the back then Japanese Lord, Hosokawa Tadotoshi, who was head of the Kumamoto Domain(how the Japanese say their “region”) in the Edo era, the garden in this era aka the Tsukiyama would have Mt.Fiji as the major symbolization of their Japanese spirits and soul, so as in here as well, the main part of the garden is symbolized as Mount Fuji, the ponds and small lakes resembling the islands of Japan.

Hello October, hello fall.

It’s hard to believe that the party feast of the year is around the corner again. Whenever the weather starts to change, or trying to find a serene picture for my iPhone wallpaper, above photos would always be the first flash in mind, and I’d thought I’d share my favourites to all.

This was taken back in winter-spring, when the weather started to change, just with my iphone5, I’m blown away how my phone work with the luminous sunset, and of course the astonishing beauty as I walked through the garden.

The garden has been declared by the national government a historic site of scenic beauty.

Tags: 九州

All Comments

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2015-10-05T11:39
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-10-08T10:36

九州由布院 旅館百合分享

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2015-10-03T15:32
旅館 百合 樂天訂房:http://travel.rakuten.co.jp/HOTEL/68576/68576.html 和室8畳(內附廁所及梳洗台) 一泊二食 晚餐大分豊後牛&地鶏鍋 日幣21,600(入湯稅 150/人另計) 住宿日期:2015/9/17 ======純文字分享===== 第一次去 ...

夏秋 名古屋之旅

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2015-10-03T15:15
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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2015-10-03T14:57
※ [本文轉錄自 Food 看板 #1M3tlXBy ] 作者: aner () 看板: Food 標題: [食記]東京叙叙苑燒肉 把最貴那盤點下去就對了! 時間: Sat Oct 3 14:55:26 2015 網誌版 http://wanwanr9.pixnet.net/blog/post/30 ...

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Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-10-03T12:02
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Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2015-10-02T12:10
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