明石大橋電梯故障登頂預約全數取消 - 旅遊

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2016-10-07T19:21

Table of Contents

※ 引述《BAKU1 (...)》之銘言:
: 原本預約了10月9日去登頂
: 結果剛剛收到以下官方MAIL....O_Q
: Dear Applicants,
: Malfunction was found in the elevator used for the Bridge World.
: Since it takes time to detect the cause and repair, the Bridge World that was
: planned to be held until November 27 is cancelled.
: We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
: 大橋電梯故障
: 預約全部取消
: 看來是要修到11月27了
: 有人也中鏢的嗎..


Dear Applicants,

Malfunction was found in the elevator used for the Bridge World.
Since it takes time to detect the cause and repair, the Bridge
World that was planned to be held until November 27 is cancelled.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
I’d like to confirm that you received the e-mail.

Please reply after confirmation by the e-mail.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,

 Bridge World Secretariat
e-mail:[email protected]


Dear Applicant,

We are sorry our elevator have some trouble this week.
Now, we are making inspection on the elevator.

Unfortunately this year's Bridge World Tour can not be held .
And now we decided to cancel Bridge world tour.

I’d like to confirm that you received the e-mail.
Please reply after confirmation by the e-mail.

We are expecting for your next opportunity of your participation.

Thank you
Yours sincerely,



Tags: 旅遊

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11/6-11/11 上海

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2016-10-07T19:01
哈囉 大家週五晚上好 11月要去上海出差啦!!!!!!! 好期待!!!!!! 想問問看有沒有人同時段也在上海的 晚上時間可以一起去吃吃喝喝 逛逛街看看夜景之類的 不然一個人好難拍照跟點餐哦哈哈 有的話站內信聯絡哦 女孩為佳 原PO 姐姐 30 國外業務 - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2016-10-07T17:21
請問各位版友 小弟和老婆後天趁去洛杉磯前轉機玩一下韓國 會待六天,但行李有點多想寄放在機場 想請問各位有沒有推薦的寄放 想寄放兩個大的行李箱 價格一天大概是多少呢 爬了找不太到機場的寄放資訊 再請各位版友指教了。 - ...

鎌倉 茶房雲母

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2016-10-07T16:46
店 名:茶房雲母 地 址:神奈川県鎌倉市御成町16-7 營業時間:平日11:00~18:00、假日10:30~18:00 休 日:無 推薦食物:宇治白玉クリームあんみつ 【圖文版】 http://bonade2011.pixnet.net/blog/post/116211202 ...

ivideo跟賽博購 wifi抉擇

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-10-07T14:50
各位先進,10月底預計想前往日本6天, 考慮兩家便宜好用的wifi 1.賽博購-金石機 折價卷用下來大概300多+運費 麻煩是不能機場還 2.ivideo-au機 版上推薦的au機 不過10月折價卷好少 只能折300,五天折扣下來至少也要五百多 板上有其他板友能提供10月生日碼或其他折價碼嗎 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2016-10-07T14:49
各位好, 小弟偏好自然景觀及有歷史人文的景色,目前規劃如下: 1. 出遊日期: 8天7夜 10/13-10/30 2. 每日行程: 10/13 Day 1:桃園-andgt;名古屋中部機場 約中午抵達,首日以名古屋城、熱田神宮...等古蹟為主 住:名 ...