未來可能無法將在巴黎短租公寓 - 法國

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-11-22T17:54

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Furnished rental is threatened in Paris, as well as in other French towns of
200 000 inhabitants or more. Renting for less than one year will soon become
nearly impossible. Paris City Hall has decided to forbid it. Wether you want
to rent an apartment for a short term stay to visit Paris, attend a fair,
come for an 8 months internship or even stay in Paris for 11 months for
business, City Hall wants you to say in a hotel instead of an apartment. It
will even become impossible to rent an apartment when you are in a difficult
situation, and need to find a home to get medical care, or after a break-up
or a decease. According to City Hall, renting a flat in those conditions is
now becoming illegal.

Parisian owners are in a difficult situation : it is becoming impossible to
rent your second home when you are not in Paris. The law says that you can

Choose to rent for short term, pay a considerable amount of money (80 000 for
a 20 m2 studio), and pray for City Hall to accept your request. If you
succeed, you will be able to rent for short term but you won't be allowed to
occupy your apartment for personal use.
Choose to occupy the apartment personally but be unable to rent it when you
are out of town.
Our agency is part of an organization that defends short term rentals. Our
mean is to defend tenants and owners, and allow people to visit Paris the way
they want, wether it is for business or personal purpose, and wether it is
for one week or 10 months. We have some appointments with Paris City Hall and
the government. The only way to make them listen to our requests is for us to
get as many supporters as possible. We need to show them that we represent
the opinion of a large number. For that WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT.

Please support us by signing our petition here.

Warmest regards,

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Tags: 法國

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法國 雙叟咖啡 (Les Deus Magots)

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-11-18T17:25
圖文網誌版:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/kyoko0926/11814044 一條長780公里的塞納河穿過巴黎市中心 把巴黎這個俗稱浪漫之都的城市一分為二 右岸的時尚,左岸的人文 也將河流兩岸劃成不同風格及景觀 在体驗完時尚後 溫暖的午後陽光打在身上 步行來到了左岸 走進雙叟 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-11-16T23:19
我自己有記帳的習慣 2009/10年在德國交換學生一年 我把我當時的花費給你參考 (單位:month) 食 100-150歐 (端看外食的頻率有多高) 生活用品 15歐 洗衣 10歐 (公用洗衣機洗/烘一次各2歐 通常會再室內晾衣服) 住宿的部分 那時候是在過去之前就先把一年份的住宿給繳清了 一個月住宿 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2012-11-16T22:41
如題,目前正在考慮交換學生要選哪個國家, 其中花費部分以 住宿費 及 餐費 為最大支出, 當然還有個人旅遊花費...不過這先不估, 我暫時把學校交換校提供的 Food Expense (monthly)列出來, 想請大家幫忙看看: 這種餐費 是很奢侈/普通/還是很節儉呢?? XDDDD 因為我想 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-11-16T01:12
哈囉大家好 我是76年次,女生, 今年12月一個人要到歐洲去玩 預計12月底會在法國度過聖誕節 想要在24號那天去迪士尼玩 如果有人剛好那時在法國然後也剛好想要去迪士尼玩的話 那我們就一起度過聖誕節前一天吧!! 歡迎來信討論!! - ...

Q熊遊英倫古董市集-Portobello Market

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-11-15T20:26
建議大家可以收看 圖多多無音樂 熊也多多網誌 http://qqbearbear.pixnet.net/blog/post/93784902 歡迎心得或資訊分享唷 :D ******************************************************* Hi 大家好! 延續 ...