柬埔寨陸路到寮國 - 自助旅行

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2014-09-24T14:53

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It’s dark outside when we arrive the port for visa to Lao, so we wait at a
stand. The owner of store cook their diner, which is made of eel fish and
smell delicious. I think outside would be better for a traveler. The stars
around you are like eyes of children sparkling in the sky. I distinguish
the heart of scorpion which is like ruby nailing on the fiber and a big bear
on the horizon. The port from Cambodia to Lao, is Don Det, one of the biggest
island four thousand island. When we arrive at the wharf to Don Det it is
too late for the last boat, so we argue long time with guys rowing boat,
finally can reach the bungalow on the island.



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By Barb Cronin
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