煩請幫忙信件內容中翻英 - 旅遊

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-07-22T00:00

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幫朋友發問,請不要使用翻譯軟體,謝謝麻煩了! :)))
Tags: 旅遊

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Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2013-07-23T18:10
Maybe you can be a foreign teacher in some country of Asia, but you have to be good at some language. I stayed in Malaysia for five days, and Singapore for three days. Malaysia is great. I think Malaysia suitable for individual traveler. I joined tourist group. There is many races, languages, and cultures. I can't even judge where they came from. The shortcut is the public security of Malaysia. It's poor, especially Kuala Lumpur! But I really enjoyed the time there. If I can go there again, I will be an individual traveler. Do you plan your next travel? If you go abroad, will you go there alone?
But in this place, everyone hope to use the air conditioner. Some will go to department store on weekends or other places where has air conditioner. However, I expect Winter’ s coming. Winter may be very cold for us, but I think it will be comfortable for you, who live in frigid country.
I can’t be said a completely teacher, but I have to watch them to finish their home work in most time. They are all students of elementary schools. There is no one can take care of them after the school, because their parents are still at work. Their parents send them here. These children are exhausting. They stayed at school all day long, but can’t go home after school. Sometimes, some students stayed even longer! Because we only spend one or two hours going to mountain in Taiwan, so it’s easier for us to climb on weekends!
“If only you go through July and August, everything will be easy!” Just think in this way! However, you won’t be able to know what you will do.
Your completely like a housewife on weekends.
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2013-07-25T10:56
Maybe you can be one of the countries in Asia when foreign language teachers, if you specialize in a certain language.I'm in Malaysia five days, Singapore for two days. Malaysia is great, I think Malaysia well suited to self-help travel (because I'm with the Group), there are a number of races, languages, cultures, and even I can't figure out where they came from, but the disadvantage is that Malaysia security is not good, especially in Kuala Lumpur! But I didn't enjoy the time, if I visit again, I will travel there. Are you planning the next tourist country? If you go abroad, you are visiting alone?
But here, everyone wants to drive air conditioners, some people are using the weekend to local department stores blowing an air conditioner or air conditioning! I want the winter fast approaching, for us is very cold, but you live in a cold climate countries, may be very comfortable!
I not full is a teacher, but most time I must see with they completed School of job, they are is country niche, dang they school Hou parents also in work, home didn't people care, so parents on put they sent to we here, I think they is hard, because has in school a all day has, class Hou also back can't home, sometimes some students are also left to is night does! Because in Taiwan, we can spend one or two hours drive to the mountains, so weekend climbing easier!
But as long as you survive after July and August it's easy, so great! But after July or August, you do not know what does it mean?
During the weekend you exactly like a housewife!


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2013-07-22T00:00
真理跟開南大學的應用日語系哪個比較好呢 ?
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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2013-07-22T00:00


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-07-22T00:00
想要在周末和朋友去一趟苗栗旅遊預計星期六晚上六點從新竹出發星期天晚上八點返回有大概想去的地方第一天晚 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-07-22T00:00
八月初要出去玩三天兩夜,只是不知道哪裡好玩,請求各位大大推荐三天兩夜去哪玩,有哪些推薦的景點好去。20� ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-07-22T00:00