祕魯南美探險,寫在馬丘比丘之前。 - 自助旅行

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2012-08-27T17:01

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圖文好讀網誌版 http://tinyurl.com/8q23hju


Just outside Machu Pichhu, Ollantaytambo provided a taste of an authentic
small Peruvian town.

Surprisingly, rather than the famous Machu Picchu, a small town named
Ollantaytambo became the highlights of my Peru trip last winter.

Over time, many travelers come to Peru in search of the lost city. However,
it would be such a pity to miss the chance to explore the Sacred Valley area
where I saw the beauty of the immense Andes. I still remember the weather was
not very pleasant in Cusco for couple of days, and it was so foggy when I
went off to Machu Picchu.

I thought that everything was ready for the trip to the ancient Inca ruins, a
journey of a lifetime. Only the first 400 people who purchase permits for
Huayna Picchuare allowed to climb the peak, per day, and I had gotten mine in

Therefore, I was worried that the weather might ruin my visit, yet all my
worries just disappeared when I had my ride to Ollantaytambo where I took a
train to Aguas Calientes, the nearest town located at the foot of Machu
Picchu. I also realized why this area has been called Sacred Valley.

Not only was it close to the ancestral Machu Picchu, but it was also favored
by gods. Unlike many other parts of Peru, Sacred Valley has abundant water
supply – river, rain and snow –and was the agricultural center of the Inca
Empire. Maybe for ancient Inca people, the lush and green Sacred Valley was
just like Xanadu.

I guess one thing true for many travelers is that, when you have traveled
independently often enough, you will know what kind of experience you would
like to try and have and during a trip. If you are someone who prefers
exploring cities and cultures on your own over attending local tours, here
are some guides of traveling from Cusco to Ollantaytambo. You can simply take
a minibus/van on Calle Pavitos, which is between Avenue Grau and Belen. There
will always be drivers there are waiting for passengers. The fee was about
$20 soles/$9, and the ride took about one to one and half hours.

Actually, it was the most common way for local people moving between the two
cities, and I was the only foreigner/tourist on the bus! I was a little
afraid as we passed over valleys, terraces and mountain ranges at an
elevation of 3000m (9842ft) in what seemed to be a very small shabby-looking
van. Having grown up in a big city, this was never a carefree way to travel
in high altitude areas, yet I was amazed at the spectacular scenery and a
scattering of villages and hamlets set among deep mountain valleys. It is
amazing that those villagers have retained the ancient Inca lifestyle from
their ancestors for hundreds of years.

The minibus finally got to Ollantaytambo, dropping me at
the main plaza of this small town—the total population here was about 2000.
It was safe to walk around the town, and I just spent a relaxing afternoon
wondering in the valley, discovering this fields surrounding town. As a stop
on the train route from Cuzco through Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu,
Ollantaytambo now has developed some, but limited tourism activities. You can
find hotels, souvenir shops, money exchange houses and dollar-priced/English
menu at restaurants.

Most people still live in poverty if we judge by a modern standard, yet they
looked peaceful and wore smiles on their faces. I always come with a thought
that for some people I met on that day, this small town could be the place
they spend their whole life with when I visit rural areas like Ollantaytambo.
Let alone to Lima, even Cuzco could be a far city for them. I had no idea
that if people there would like to leave their hometown for a better life in
the future, but for sure they were proud of Inca heritages; cherishing what
they had owned so far.

If you are looking for dolce far niente experience in Peru and want to have a
taste of ancient Incan town, I would say never to miss Ollantaytambo before
heading to Machu Picchu!


All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-08-30T07:13
寫得好棒 希望很快能找到機會到南美去 =DD
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-09-02T18:38
謝謝樓上稱讚! 希望可以加緊把之後的遊記生出來:)


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-08-27T13:56
[好吃好玩♡丹麥哥本哈根] 一些背包客的自助旅行資訊整理- 特價、Free wifi、超市可嘗試的食品 &值得一去不常見到觀光客的Cafe *部落格有圖片全文版(建議閱讀 ^v^)* http://www.wretch.cc/blog/puffgirl/15476319 ================ ...

北愛爾蘭the causeway coast(下)-巨人堤道

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-08-27T13:37
The Causeway Coast網誌andlt;( ̄﹏ ̄ )andgt;巨人堤道 http://ladyfrenzy.pixnet.net/blog/post/92332593 --------------------------------------- 前往巨人堤道可以從遊客中心搭乘循環公車Ca ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2012-08-27T03:07
地點:邏粒 預計時間:9/3-9/7(我們的飛機是9/2中午到) 預計預算:一切盡量簡單,該花就花,能省就省 預計行程:還沒有完整的規劃,十分隨性 總共待六個整天,希望能夠悠閒的看過吳哥 若有遺珠,下次再來也OK(當然可以的話就是完整一點啦XD) ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2012-08-26T23:07
圖文版:(建議閱讀,無音樂) http://www.wretch.cc/blog/m503202002/25855219 純文字版: 不知道大家有沒有看過上集XD 這一篇是要跟大家說芭達雅----andgt;曼谷的巴士功略!!!! 在網路上找到這一間 97銖的mini bus http://www ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-08-26T21:44
圖文部落格: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tsshch/10805447 這次青藏高原旅行只有在成都和拉薩是自由活動,當然成都美食非常多,這個無庸置疑, 但是成都只是路過,就留待下次去的時候再向大家說明了。 看旅行書介紹幾家餐廳,在八角街旁邊的「瑪吉阿米」,三樓陽台可以俯看八角街 ...