英文翻譯,日常對話 - 旅遊

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2012-06-02T00:00

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店員: 歡迎光臨,現在所有東西都95折優惠喔,您在尋找什麼呢?
學生: 請問一下,你們這邊有賣女性用品嗎?小飾品或是服飾,我想用來送禮。
店員: 有喔,我們這邊有賣女性用品,髮飾、墜飾...都有,您想看哪一項呢
學生: 墜飾好了,可以讓我看一下比較平價墜飾嗎?
店員: 恩,稍後一下,您可以參考看看這款墜飾,很多女生都還蠻喜歡這款的,這款用來送禮也挺不錯的。
學生: 那這要多少錢?我預算不多。
店員: 這款墜飾目前售價是1000NT,現在打95折,只要950NT,要幫您打包嗎?
學生: 可以便宜點嗎? 700NT如何,我預算只有這麼多。
店員: 恐怕沒辦法,因為這是公定價,不然我幫您挑一個價格大約700得如何?
學生: 恩好,麻煩您。
店員: 這款墜飾如何,算是可愛的類型,小女生看了一定愛不釋手。
學生: 好吧,那我要這一款,請幫我包裝起來一下。
店員: 恩,這是您的墜飾,一共700元。
學生: 謝謝。
店員: 歡迎下次再來。
Tags: 旅遊

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Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2012-06-02T13:13
A: Hey B, your summer were going to play?
B: I'm planning to go abroad, backpacking, how does that feel?
A: backpacking? Sounds good A! Where are you going to play A?
B: I think I should go to Thailand, I heard that side of the local food is very unique
A: Great, I have heard there eat a lot of character, but the scenery there is beautiful
B: it must go to is not available, your summer plans is better to travel with me?
A: I'm afraid not, because I want to work.
B: What a pity, but I'm going to surf, swim, eat Thai snacks, you really do not come to you??
A: I would also like to go, but in fact really not.
B: Well, I first for you to go to Thailand, back in the experience to tell you.
A: The good A, then the first case, I wish you a happy travel
Clerk: Welcome, Everything 95% discount., What you're looking for?
Student: What about you here selling women's cosmetics? Small jewelry or clothing, I want to use the gifts.
Clerk: Oh, we here are selling women's cosmetics, hair ornaments, pendants ... have, you want to behold a
Student: pendant, and I look parity pendant?
Clerk: Well, later on about, you can refer to find out if this pendant, a lot of girls quite like this, this used to gift-giving is also very good.
Student: And how much is? My budget is limited.
Clerk: This pendant price is 1000NT, now hit 95%, as long as 950NT, to help you pack it?
Student: cheaper? 700NT how my budget is only so much.
Clerk: I'm afraid not, because this is a public pricing, or I can help you pick a price around 700 How?
Student: Well, the trouble you.
Clerk: This pendant can be regarded as a lovely type, the little girl looked certain to put it down.
Student: Well, I want this one, please help me wrap up.
Clerk: Well, this is the pendant, a total of 700 yuan.
Student: Thank you.
Clerk: Welcome to visit us again.


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2012-06-01T00:00
參加了日本東京團體旅遊但沒有參加迪士尼樂園的行程,所以想利用ㄧ天的時間輕鬆的逛逛,住宿的飯店是太陽城王� ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-06-01T00:00
如題我是今年二技的畢業生要考二技成績是國文:48英文:34我本來是讀餐飲管理系,請問大家有推薦哪家學校風�� ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-06-01T00:00
我今年剛考試華語領隊及華語導遊,請問有沒有旅行社願意讓菜鳥學習?我白天有工作,可以晚上及假日到旅行社上班,不要薪水。或是付費報名參加�� ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2012-06-01T00:00
七股潟湖旅遊服務中心 地址:台南市七股區龍山里9 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-06-01T00:00
請問(提出申請時須年滿18歲,未滿31歲),如果說(在計畫前往澳洲的12個月內提出申請),我要出發到澳洲時已年滿31歲, ...