英文遊記翻譯約國中程度(20點) - 旅遊

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-08-28T00:00

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Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-08-28T15:58
A trip to Kenting.
Today, my relatives and I went traveling to the southest part of Taiwan -
Kenting . The weather(=It) was fine all the way so I was quite looking
forward to the trip.
First we arrived in Kenting beach and everyone played happily . Some
played with the sand and some played with the water . Grown-ups all
sat nearby to get a suntan and chat . When we were all tired then we went
to the hotel to rest and prepared for the trip of the next day(過去式裡的明天
用the next day較佳).
The next morning we went to visit the lighthouse in Oluanpi . The scenery
there was really beautiful,after that we ate seafood at a seafood
restaurant , the food was very fresh and tasty . After eating we visited the
Maritime Museum , a variety of marine lives made me feel very special
and new. At last ,we went shopping and purchased(bought) souvenirs and
then returned home. This two-day (overnight 可以不用) trip was the best
in my memories .
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-08-29T19:31
要翻成 my relative(s) and I
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-08-31T04:06
I and my relatives go for the travelling in the South - Kun Ding most of Taiwan the tour today of Kun Ding. The weather is very sunny on the way. I look forward to the going on a tour of this time very much. We reach the seashore of Kun Ding at first. Everybody's happiness very much, someone is playing with the sand someone is dabbling. The adults sit nearby getting sun and chatting. Everybody goes to the hotel to have a rest after playing hard. Prepare tomorrow's journey. One of the next day is early we went to visit goose's nose beacon of mythical bird like the phoenix first. Where 's scenery be very beautiful. Later went to the marine products shop to eat the seafood, the things were all very fresh and delicious. Go to the marine museum to visit after having enough, the peculiar marine organisms of all kinds let me feel very novel. Will go to go shopping to go home after finishing purchasing souvenirs finally. The journey in this two days and one nights lets me leave bright remembrance.
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-08-29T00:03
Travel of the Kending Today I and my relative goes to Taiwan most south - Kending to travel. Is very the way sunny in the weather. I anticipate this time very much travel. First we arrive at Kending's seashore. Everybody happiness very, some people are playing Sha Youren in playing with water. Adults sit in side sun and chat. After everybody played tired, arrived at the hotel to rest. Preparation tomorrow's journey. The second day we visit the goose luan nose lighthouse first early in the morning. There scenery is very beautiful. Afterward goes to the marine product shop to eat the seafood, the thing is very fresh is also delicious. After eating to the full, goes to the sea museum visit, all kinds of unusual marine life lets me think that is very novel. Finally window-shops purchases the souvenir to direct step toward home. A these two days of night of journey lets me leave behind the happy recollection.


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-08-28T00:00


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-08-28T00:00
請問金車威士忌酒堡一定要先預約嗎?~因為那天採自由行~所以也不確定說一定會去~想請問一下~一定要先預約才可� ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-08-28T00:00
女朋友在九月初時要玩美西~會住在LA幾晚~希望能找到不貴(一晚20~30塊美金)又交通方便(方便搭車or在市區)的旅館或 ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2010-08-27T00:00
正在計劃明年和朋友去東京自助旅行~知道電車是一件必須暸繳透徹的事情~上網發現一個滿方便的關於搭電車的網� ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-08-27T00:00