英文達人,求幫我訂正英文 - 旅遊

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2010-04-07T00:00

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I want to introduce the tourism experience.
l with my family go to Kenting in the summer vacation.
We have reservation the Chateau Beach Resort.
Kenting is located in Hengchun in southern Taiwan.
Is sunny day ,So…That is very very hot!
Kenting Chateau Beach Resort is the only 5-star hotel in Taiwan that possesses exclusive private beach.
Room is no different. But
We set the room on the first floor
So there view is very beautiful.
I can open the window, then Walking to the beach
I can take off my shoes for rush hours and make myself barefooted!
You can bask under the sunshine or walk along the white beach leisurely
And swimming in the sea.
Do not prepare anything
Just bring the clothes.
The coconut palm…the Seawater…the beach…the bikini
There is the vacation heaven in the paradise.

All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-04-08T15:37
I would like to share my traveling experience with you. (用分享比較適合)
l went to Kenting in the summer vacation with my family.
我和我的家人在暑假的時候去墾丁 (經驗已發生,所以用過去式)
We made reservation of the Chateau Beach Resort for our stay.
(make reservation = 預定) 我們預訂了夏都沙灘酒店
Kenting is located in Hengchun, southern part of Taiwan.
(用同未語即可, 恆春 = 台灣南部) 墾丁位於台灣南部的恆春
The weather there was so sunny that we felt really hot!
Kenting Chateau Beach Resort is famous for its private beach which makes it distinguished from all the other 5-star hotels in Taiwan.
All the rooms in the Resort are the same.
Nevertheless, we could enjoy a very beautiful view because our room are on the first floor.
I can open the French windows, walking to the beach directly.
我可以打開窗戶,然後走到海邊 (應該是落地窗那種)
I can take off my shoes to enjoy the relif of being barefooted.
I can bask myself on the sunny beach, walk along the white beach leisurely and even go swimming in the sea.
We don't have to prepare anything, but clothing for change.
Kenting is really a paradise for peopel on vacation for its coconut palm, ocean, becach, and bikini.
Hope the info is useful to you.
2010-04-07 23:38:31 補充:
l went to Kenting in the summer vacation with my family.
應改成 I went to Kenting for this summer vacation with my family.
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2010-04-07T03:56
小弟也不是很懂,分享一下~ ^^"
1. I want to introduce the tourism experience
I want to introduce the touriing experience
2. l with my family go to Kenting in the summer vacation
I went to Kenting during summer vacation with my family.
3. We have reservation the Chateau Beach Resort.
We have booking the Chateau Beach Resort.
4. Kenting is located in Hengchun in southern Taiwan
Kenting is located in Hengchun where southern of Taiwan
5. Is sunny day ,So…That is very very hot!
It is sunny day ,That is very hot!(so 跟That擺在一起好像怪怪ㄉ)
6. Kenting Chateau Beach Resort is the only 5-star hotel in Taiwan that possesses exclusive private beach.
Kenting Chateau Beach Resort is the only 5-star hotel which possesses exclusive private beach in Taiwan.
7. Room is no different. But
Room is usual. But
8. We set the room on the first floor
The room we reserved at 1st floor
9. So there view is very beautiful.
That see sight is very beautiful.
10. I can open the window, then Walking to the beach
I can open the window and Walking to the beach
11. 繁忙的時候脫掉鞋子享受打著赤腳
這句話有點~怪怪的 要不要確認一下有沒打錯? ^^"
12. You can bask under the sunshine or walk along the white beach leisurely
I can take sunbath or walk along the white beach leisurely
13. 不需準備任何東西,只需要帶換洗衣物?(也是有點怪~ ^^",我這樣翻好ㄌ)
You don't have to prepare anything with you except clothes.
14. The coconut palm…the Seawater…the beach…the bikini
coconut palm Seawater beach,bikini(不用每ㄍ都用THE)
15. There is the vacation heaven in the paradise
There is the paradise.(比較少看見heaven跟paradise這兩個字擺在一塊)
以上,是小弟在看過之後一點點的想法,不敢說一定對, 但是~和您一起分享囉~ ^^"


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