菲律賓免簽 已確定! - 自助旅行

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2012-06-22T00:33

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※ [本文轉錄自 Philippines 看板 #1FuqZm9C ]

作者: rushhour (等待夏天的海風) 看板: Philippines
標題: Re: [情報] 菲律賓免簽 已確定!
時間: Fri Jun 22 00:16:45 2012

※ 引述《ninifly (最愛nini)》之銘言:
: 第一手消息: 持台灣護照到菲律賓觀光,30天內免簽證。

一定是假的 至少到今天還是

來看看MECO怎麼談台灣護照免簽證這件事的 (2012/06/15)

網站貼自菲律賓每日詢問報 不過應該MECO跟菲國外交部的態度就是這樣

A celebration—and some questions
Philippine Daily Inquirer
A14 Opinion
June 15, 2012
By Rina Jimenez-David

Goodwill and bonhomie may have marked the celebration of Philippine
Independence Day in Taipei, but in actuality, there is a bit of tension
between the two governments over the issue of visa-less entry for Taiwanese
to the Philippines.

....... 對於免簽證 兩國還有若干緊張

In 2009, the Taiwanese government granted visa-less entry to citizens of
certain countries, including the Philippines, provided these visitors showed
they had valid visas to any of these countries: the United States, Canada,
Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand; or held a Schengen visa to
Europe; and provided they had never worked as a blue-collar worker in Taiwan.
Since then—and I understand this was a campaign pledge made by President Ma
Ying-jeou—Taiwanese officials have been pressuring officials in other
countries to grant visa-free entry to residents of Taiwan.


In the Philippines, the new resident representative of Teco (Taipei Economic
and Cultural Office), Ambassador Raymond L.S. Wang, who arrived in the
country last January, has stepped up his efforts to pressure the government.
This is certainly part of his duties as Taiwan’s representative, but what
certain quarters are decrying is that Wang is going about it in ways that can
only be described as boorish and overbearing.

台灣駐菲王大使 推動台灣護照免簽的動作 既粗魯又傲慢

Wang, who’s had little previous experience in the foreign ministry, appears
to lack the necessary diplomatic experience and cultural sensitivity.

王大使 缺乏外交經驗 顯得無外交歷練及文化敏感度

At the moment, Meco is formally rejecting the Taiwanese appeal, arguing that
granting visa-free entry to Taiwanese would necessitate granting the same
right to Mainland Chinese. This would open the door to Taiwanese and Chinese
drug and human smuggling syndicates, Meco officials argue, and even with
current visa requirements, our media are already full of stories about
Chinese drug rings, prostitution rings and illegal entrants. This is not to
mention the rampant smuggling of illegal and fake drugs, and unsafe products
ranging from skin-whitening creams to “double-dead” poultry.

馬尼拉駐台代表MECO 正式 拒絕 台灣的提案


2.你們一旦免簽就會來我們菲律賓 販毒 販賣人口 犯罪
3.即使現在要簽證 你們這些人就已經會來搞 販毒 色情 非法入境
4.更別說那些 走私猖獗 偽藥 黑心商品 (從美白霜到病死雞)

“The Philippines and Taiwan governments and people are good friends,” Meco
officials say, and the visa requirement seems to present no barrier to the
continued arrival of Taiwanese tourists. They cite the 35-percent increase in
arrivals from Taiwan since last year, suggesting that “the visa requirement
is not a deterrent.”

MECO說 "菲律賓跟台灣的政府人民都是好友"


現在要簽證你們台灣人不還是來的很爽! 去年還增加了35%



Apparently, President Ma and his government view the grant of visa-free entry
to citizens of their country as a matter of prestige and friendship. And yet
he surely must realize that every country has its own unique priorities and
needs to balance its national interests with those of its neighbors and
friends. Good friends should understand this and respect their mutual

...... 一堆廢話


為了短利 總是反向操作
反正台灣人好賺 也不會因為對方國家對台灣的不尊重就抵制 (看看大陸 香港!)
事情發生後一再飛機增班 (一家開發市場賣座了之後 其他家立即跟上)

菲律賓很多地方好玩 超漂亮

我的小心得 非戰文

沒有你們這些呆瓜甘願付簽證費 18萬人 兩億多台幣


All Comments

2012土耳其之旅-棉堡 庫夏達西 以弗所

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2012-06-21T23:16
棉堡: 來到棉堡別忘了帶泳裝還有防曬用具。從格雷梅搭夜車到棉堡大概早餐時 段到達,搭下午三四點的車離開的話,有大半天的時間可以逗留,其實足夠了 。當一大片雪白的岩棚映入眼簾,眼前是翠綠的池水,優游的鴨鵝,棉堡雪白 色的身影映在池水上,平靜無波,直到母鴨帶著小鴨將水上的倒影劃開一道漣 漪,也許 ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2012-06-21T18:22
大家好 我於8/20~8/23要去Birmingham參加學術研討會 而國科會補助只購買機票,所以我得縮衣節食省住宿費 請問當地哪裡有便宜的旅館? 謝謝各位! - ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-06-21T16:04
※ [本文轉錄自 Mongolia 看板 #1FujKyRP ] 作者: alexan (冷藍) 看板: Mongolia 標題: [問題] 從北京到烏蘭巴托的交通 時間: Thu Jun 21 16:03:04 2012 請問最近有人從北京搭火車還是巴士陸路交通到烏蘭巴托的嗎 因為我們打算 ...

奧地利之行 格拉茨 郝普特廣場

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-06-21T15:16
郝普特廣場 http://synnwang.blogspot.tw/2012/05/hauptplatz.html 奧地利 http://synnwang.blogspot.tw/2004/01/2011-austria.html 吃完了炸豬排,我們還是散步至郝普特廣場。每天在這裡走來走去,但始終沒 有好好 ...

奧地利之行 格拉茨音樂鐘廣場吃炸豬排

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2012-06-21T15:14
音樂鐘廣場 http://synnwang.blogspot.tw/2012/05/glockenspielplatz.html 奧地利 http://synnwang.blogspot.tw/2004/01/2011-austria.html 從旅館換好裝出來,我們繼續我們的Graz之旅。明天早上我們要搭 ...