請問外國人去大陸半辦台胞證的問題? - 大陸旅遊

By Iris
at 2007-07-24T13:48
at 2007-07-24T13:48
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※ 引述《isaacc (我超愛土風舞社的大家~~)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《flyingyoyo (飛翔溜溜球)》之銘言:
: : 我朋友是德國人
: : 目前有台灣拘留證請問他要去大陸辦簽證要多少錢
: : 請問除了請旅行社代辦之外還有甚麼方法
: : 或是有便宜的方式嗎
: : 請各位有經驗的人幫忙
: : 謝謝!
: 拘留...逃快一點比較好 :)
: 這位朋友,德國人進大陸當然要自己去申請簽證啊。
: 讓她去德國大使館問啊,怎麼會問您呢?
: 另外『台胞證』當然就是台灣人才能辦啊,您...幫他打VISA白金秘書問問看好了
It's pretty costy to apply the China visa in Taiwan for forigners.
If your friend enter to China through HK airport or RoHu border, he/she
can apply the visa at:
(1) the HK airport (the China travel office desk)
not sure how long it gonna take.
(2) the RuHo border (the China travel office, it's on the 2nd floor between
the HK border and China border).
It costs 380 RMB and need to wait for 30mins to an hour.
note:open hour between 9am-6pm, but it's closed between 12pm-2pm
(lunch break)
"maybe" other border also do landing visa for forigners.....
just for your information :)
: ※ 引述《flyingyoyo (飛翔溜溜球)》之銘言:
: : 我朋友是德國人
: : 目前有台灣拘留證請問他要去大陸辦簽證要多少錢
: : 請問除了請旅行社代辦之外還有甚麼方法
: : 或是有便宜的方式嗎
: : 請各位有經驗的人幫忙
: : 謝謝!
: 拘留...逃快一點比較好 :)
: 這位朋友,德國人進大陸當然要自己去申請簽證啊。
: 讓她去德國大使館問啊,怎麼會問您呢?
: 另外『台胞證』當然就是台灣人才能辦啊,您...幫他打VISA白金秘書問問看好了
It's pretty costy to apply the China visa in Taiwan for forigners.
If your friend enter to China through HK airport or RoHu border, he/she
can apply the visa at:
(1) the HK airport (the China travel office desk)
not sure how long it gonna take.
(2) the RuHo border (the China travel office, it's on the 2nd floor between
the HK border and China border).
It costs 380 RMB and need to wait for 30mins to an hour.
note:open hour between 9am-6pm, but it's closed between 12pm-2pm
(lunch break)
"maybe" other border also do landing visa for forigners.....
just for your information :)
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