請大家提供德國交通建議 感恩 - 德國

By Zanna
at 2007-06-23T23:51
at 2007-06-23T23:51
Table of Contents
※ 引述《imluh (旅行是我的生理需求)》之銘言:
: 以下是我的行程
: 考慮買德國DB五日卷 其他考慮另外在買單程的票
: 不曉得這樣好不好? 哪五天來用最划算?還是要買少一點或多一點天數的卷?
: 可以請大家提供一下意見 交通費當然是越省越好
: 拜託大家囉 感謝~^^
: 7/17(Tue) Frankfurt
: 7/18(Wed) Frankfurt -Rothenburg
: 7/19(Thu)Rothenburg -Wurzburg- Rothenburg
: 7/20(Fri) Rothenburg -Dinkelsbuhl- Rothenburg
: 7/21(Sat) Munchen
: 7/22(Sun Fussen-Hohenschwangau- Stuttgart
: 7/23(Mon)Stuttgart
: 7/24(Tue) Stuttgart -Ulm-Tubingeb-Stuttgart
: 7/25(Wed)Stuttgart -Calw-Baden Baden-Stuttgart
: 7/26(Thu)Heidelberg
: 7/27(Fri) Heidelberg
: 7/28(Sat)Heidelberg- Frankfurt
In Germany only the 5 and 10 day passes are available at selected stations (Ai
d offices). Prices in Germany are calculated in Euro.
Lander Tickets 週一到週五平常時間可以共用的票,時效是上午九點到半夜三點。有的
購買方式:向服務人員購買Group Ticket for Regional Train~(對方會詢問有多少個人
Bayern-Ticket (Bavaria-Ticket) 單一省份票
Package price: EUR 21
This ticket is valid from Monday to Friday for one day of your choice from 9 a
.m. until 3 a.m. of the following day (on bank holidays for the whole day). It
can be used on all local trains (IRE, RE, RB, SE and S-Bahn) and the entire t
ransport system in Bavaria as well as the Munchner Verkehrsbund (MVV) and Verk
ehrsverbund Nurnberg (VGN). It is only valid for 2nd class.
For up to 5 person traveling together or for parents (or one parent) traveling
with any number of their children under 18. A supplement of EUR 13 applies fo
r IR- or D-trains.
Package price: EUR 21
This ticket is valid from Monday to Friday for one day of your choice from 9 a
.m. until 3 a.m. of the following day (on bank holidays for the whole day). It
can be used on all local trains (IRE, RE, RB, SE and S-Bahn) and the transpor
t systems in Brandenburg and Berlin. It is only valid for 2nd class.
For up to 5 person traveling together or for parents (or one parent) traveling
with any number of their children under 18.
Happy-Weekend-Ticket 原始檔案 Wochenende Ticket
和Lander Tickets一樣,是可以搭一整天區域車的Pass,不同點在於是週末使用,而且是
購買方式:同樣是說要Group Ticket for regional trains. 可以搭配上面的德文字Woch
enende Ticket或是說出Happy Weekend Ticket~
For up to 5 persons traveling together and for parents traveling with their ch
ildren aged 18 and under on Saturdays or Sundays between 12 a.m. until 3 a.m.
of the following day for only EUR 28,-. Valid on all local trains, 2nd class o
: 以下是我的行程
: 考慮買德國DB五日卷 其他考慮另外在買單程的票
: 不曉得這樣好不好? 哪五天來用最划算?還是要買少一點或多一點天數的卷?
: 可以請大家提供一下意見 交通費當然是越省越好
: 拜託大家囉 感謝~^^
: 7/17(Tue) Frankfurt
: 7/18(Wed) Frankfurt -Rothenburg
: 7/19(Thu)Rothenburg -Wurzburg- Rothenburg
: 7/20(Fri) Rothenburg -Dinkelsbuhl- Rothenburg
: 7/21(Sat) Munchen
: 7/22(Sun Fussen-Hohenschwangau- Stuttgart
: 7/23(Mon)Stuttgart
: 7/24(Tue) Stuttgart -Ulm-Tubingeb-Stuttgart
: 7/25(Wed)Stuttgart -Calw-Baden Baden-Stuttgart
: 7/26(Thu)Heidelberg
: 7/27(Fri) Heidelberg
: 7/28(Sat)Heidelberg- Frankfurt
In Germany only the 5 and 10 day passes are available at selected stations (Ai
d offices). Prices in Germany are calculated in Euro.
Lander Tickets 週一到週五平常時間可以共用的票,時效是上午九點到半夜三點。有的
購買方式:向服務人員購買Group Ticket for Regional Train~(對方會詢問有多少個人
Bayern-Ticket (Bavaria-Ticket) 單一省份票
Package price: EUR 21
This ticket is valid from Monday to Friday for one day of your choice from 9 a
.m. until 3 a.m. of the following day (on bank holidays for the whole day). It
can be used on all local trains (IRE, RE, RB, SE and S-Bahn) and the entire t
ransport system in Bavaria as well as the Munchner Verkehrsbund (MVV) and Verk
ehrsverbund Nurnberg (VGN). It is only valid for 2nd class.
For up to 5 person traveling together or for parents (or one parent) traveling
with any number of their children under 18. A supplement of EUR 13 applies fo
r IR- or D-trains.
Package price: EUR 21
This ticket is valid from Monday to Friday for one day of your choice from 9 a
.m. until 3 a.m. of the following day (on bank holidays for the whole day). It
can be used on all local trains (IRE, RE, RB, SE and S-Bahn) and the transpor
t systems in Brandenburg and Berlin. It is only valid for 2nd class.
For up to 5 person traveling together or for parents (or one parent) traveling
with any number of their children under 18.
Happy-Weekend-Ticket 原始檔案 Wochenende Ticket
和Lander Tickets一樣,是可以搭一整天區域車的Pass,不同點在於是週末使用,而且是
購買方式:同樣是說要Group Ticket for regional trains. 可以搭配上面的德文字Woch
enende Ticket或是說出Happy Weekend Ticket~
For up to 5 persons traveling together and for parents traveling with their ch
ildren aged 18 and under on Saturdays or Sundays between 12 a.m. until 3 a.m.
of the following day for only EUR 28,-. Valid on all local trains, 2nd class o
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