請幫忙修飾一下英文!!20點贈送 - 旅遊

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2014-01-26T00:00

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我曾經橫跨亞非歐三洲自助旅行 , 完成了近程的夢想 。
分別走訪了約旦、埃及、冰島 ,
也利用轉機之便在哥本哈根、斯德哥爾摩和北京停留二至三日 ,
不僅增廣見聞 , 也體驗了當地的人文風情 !
雖然知道外地出差與旅遊不能相提並論 ,
但若能藉由工作看見世界的美 , 就算是匆匆一瞥 , 也心滿意足
I have traveled around Asia , Africa and Europe , accomplished the near future goal.
I have been to Jordan , Egypt and Iceland.
And stayed couple days in Copenhagen , Stockholm and Beijing through
stopping over.
I widen my sight and experienced the local livings.
I know it is completely different between biz trip and traveling.
but if i cud see how wonderful the world is , it would be great and satified
even just a short stay .
Tags: 旅遊

All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-01-27T13:32
I have set my foot across the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe, and accomplished my dream.
I have visited Jordan, Egypt and Iceland.
While I was transferring in Copenhagen, Stockholm and Beijing, I took the chance and spent a few days visiting the locals.
I have not only broadened my perspectives, but also experienced the local cultures.
Even though I know there is a difference between business trips and actual travelling, but if I could see the beauty of the world while working, then even a glance during my short stay would be all I need.


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-01-26T00:00
想請問...團體旅遊的契約書裡不是都會寫明尾款的繳清時間...一般是出發前三日或是行程說明會時繳清...但如果是 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2014-01-26T00:00
打算2月去阿里山玩,但沒去過阿里山上有些點看不太懂。祝山車站:祝山站為台灣最高的火車站,所以這是看日出� ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2014-01-26T00:00


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2014-01-26T00:00
想請問各位旅遊達人~我們2/17-2/21要去日本五天四夜,住2天京都2天大阪都在車站附近有先做了一些功課,安排了以 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2014-01-25T00:00