請幫我把中文短文翻成英文 - 旅遊

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-06-12T00:00

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Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-06-14T13:06
我暑假時將會和我的朋友們計畫為期一周的台灣環島旅遊。 Planning for summer’s vacation, I am going to take the one week
. with my friends around Taiwan journey . 從台北搭乘火車出發,
. 先抵達花蓮參觀擁有豐富自然生態的太魯閣國家公園,The train will get started from Taipei,
. firstly it arrives at Hualian . sightseeing the rich natural ecology on TarikuNational Park,
. 再到台東欣賞原住民文化、墾丁感受海灘風情,. then reaches Tatung
. enjoying the nature of the located aborigine . and Kenting’s beach- landscape, . 再前往高雄及台南體驗各式美食及參觀古蹟,. the next will be going to Kaohsiung
. for touching the foods each . and Tainan for visiting it’s monuments,. 最後再到嘉義的阿里山、台中日月潭結束我們此次的行程。. finally, the end destination will be to here in Chiayi’s Alishan
. andalso Taichung’s Sun-Mon Lake, it’s very happy too. 途中經過的各地夜市及沿途風景也是我們最期待的收穫之一,
希望能有個平安又美好的旅行.Our most looking-well and benefits in suchjourney
. will be to pass by the night-markets and
. along the beautiful scenery as well. It’ll be a smart and safety trip
2012-06-13 16:53:34 補充:
and also
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2012-06-15T12:46
Summer I and my friends are planning a one-week of Taiwan island tourism. Proceeding from the Taipei train, arrive at the tour of Hualien Taroko National Park has extensive natural, then to the Taitung appreciation of Aboriginal culture, Kenting Beach style, then to visit Kaohsiung and Tainan experience all kinds of food and visit the monuments, and finally the Chiayi Alishan, Taichung Sun Moon Lake end of the trip. After around night market along the way and along the scenic is one of our most anticipated harvest, hopes to have a safe and wonderful trip.


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-06-11T00:00
我的分數加權後是" 390 分 "
(國68 英42 數24 專一66 專二62)
對觀光產業旅遊有興趣 我要讀回日校
希望各位大大 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-06-11T00:00
今年10月想去土耳其旅遊,看了市面上的行程,請問行健、鳳凰這兩家旅行社哪一家比較好呢?行健http://www.unotour.co ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-06-11T00:00
因為公司招待旅遊有德國俄國可以選不知道要去哪一國比較好玩請有去過的朋友們與我分享旅遊經驗讓我參考可以 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2012-06-11T00:00
或坐火車轉客運還公� ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-06-11T00:00
1.請問有辦法坐火車然後轉公車到達嗎?價錢大概多少?2.租腳踏車如果是用未成年的證件能租得到車嗎?因為沒有汽�� ...