請幫我翻譯文章,中文翻英文高手~(20點) - 台北

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-05-05T00:00

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別直接用軟體翻譯 因為試過後感覺怪怪的

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Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-05-09T00:11
Travel to Penghu
For our college graduation trip, everyone pitched in ideas of many famous spots to visit, both from inside the country and outside the country, including Kending, Hualien, Taidong, Penghu, and even Thailand. After careful deliberation and considering our poor financial state as students, we all decided to go to Penghu!
Penghu is a very beautiful national park, filled with sights to see. One of the most famous sites is the "Twin Heart Rocky Shore". I still remember the night before going; I was so excited that I couldn't sleep! I couldn't wait to travel with all my friends and classmates.
Our whole trip lasted for three days and two nights. On the first day, once off the plane, we immediately boarded the bus prepared by the traveling agency. On the bus ride, we passed by an endless field of farmland, and boy, what a sight it was!
In Penghu, all the roads are so wide, and so free of cars and pedestrians. It's so different here compared to Taipei. Not to mention all the fresh air!
The first thing we did was to go out into the sea on a boat to fish for some calamari. That evening's cool ocean breeze, deliciously fresh calamari, and clam noodle soup made it an unforgettable experience.
After fishing for calamari, we returned to our hotel to rest a bit. Soon afterwards, we headed toward the wind-powered electric generation station. There, we saw towering windmills churning in the air and busied ourselves taking pictures of these majestic machines.
2009-05-06 02:56:09 補充:
Trip to Penghu <-- 可能比較適合, 因為畢業旅遊是 graduation trip.
Penghu Trip
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-05-09T21:54
The trip of Peng-hu
This is my university graduation trip , everyone's putting forth a lot of well-known beauty spots to proceed to a vote , to have domestic ground be also foreign
Is like 、 Hualien 、 Taitung 、 Peng lake 、 in , Kenting to also have Thai 。But finally decide due to consideration , on money everyone
Peng lake!
The Peng lake is a national park , of scenery daintiness"double heart stone tidal weir" is most well-known!That is a very beautiful scenic area ,
I still remember before setting out of a night, , do I return a canning not sleep of excitement!Very in hopes of ability and classmate travel together 。
Our route of travels are a while three days and two nights of , to is us airplane , right away sit ascend travel the tour bus that the shed prepares for us
The , ascends the scenery , that we saws many beauties to has the paddy field , of big slice to look endless all the way in the car the line the territory process!
All very big in, street in the Peng lake and comprehensiveness , road up nothing car also the nothing person's professional walk , air also very of
Is the fresh heel really different in Taipei!
We sat first to go aboard to go out to sea first the night snare small tube , sea breeze to blow very comfortable , to get to eat the small tube also very delicious , to still have ,
Fresh E fine noodles , these are all very another we are difficult to forget 。
Finish snaring after the small tube , we returned to , after hotel take a rest the , small Xie a short moment immediately after went to the , of the wind power factory
A gale , be very magnificent , everyone busy in taking photo!
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-05-08T01:51
Penghu Trip
This is my college graduation trip, we made a lot of famous scenic spots for a vote, there are also domestic foreign
For example, Kenting, Hualien, Taitung, expanding Lake, also in Thailand. However, due to financial considerations, we finally decided to
Expansion Lake!
Expanding Lake is a scenic national parks, the most famous is the "double heart Stone in Shanghai!" It was a very beautiful scenic spot,
I remember one night before departure, I can not sleep so exciting! Very much look forward to and to travel with my classmates.
Our three-day trip is the二夜, when we step off the aircraft, immediately got into travel homes for the tour we are prepared to
In the car throughout the course of the line, the way we see a lot of beautiful scenery, there are large tracts of paddy fields, endless ah!
In the expanding lake, the roads are big and wide, no cars on the road is no person walking, the air is also the
Fresh with very different in Taipei really do!
First of all, we boarded the ship to sea to夜钓small tubes, with very comfortable sea breeze, raw small tube is also very delicious, and,
Fresh oyster noodles, which we are also memorable.
End fishing tubule, we returned to the hotel to rest, after a moment, and then to a wind power plant,
A big fan, it is spectacular, the camera it!


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-05-04T00:00
我想要在5月28號到5月31號和女朋友兩個人去澎湖旅遊我的行程安排至少一天晚上住吉貝島然後有夜釣的活動,我想 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-05-04T00:00
剛考上澎科大, 大約九月初開學 . 請問台南安平港往返澎湖的船是否還有營運 ? 航班 ? 票價 ? 航程 ? 機車可上嗎 ?


James avatar
By James
at 2009-05-04T00:00
請問從花蓮市區往台北有沒有森林遊樂園好玩,因為不知道有什麼遊樂園,有類似繩索那種 有個椅子 速度很快的,我不知道怎麼說,還有一些 例如踩�� ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2009-05-04T00:00
若我明天要搭台鐵從台北火車站出發1.我可以不用買票直接用悠遊卡直接感應入站嗎2.我至台北火車站人員售票口�� ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2009-05-04T00:00
只需要載我們�� ...