請有去過英國自助旅行的各位回答 - 旅遊

By Jake
at 2010-10-24T00:00
at 2010-10-24T00:00
Table of Contents
我是一個19歲的女大生 今年1月要去英國1個月,住的話是住男性友人家(利物浦), 可以請各位告訴我我該準備的有什麼? 還有請各位看一下我的旅行計畫, 謝謝 感激不盡阿!!!!!! (計畫後會附上hostel資料及友人連絡地址及電話)
Jan 18th-20th Liverpool(*Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral)
Jan 21th-24th York (*Jane C. Lilleyʼs House)
(York Castle Museum, York Minster, Yorkshire Museum, Jorkvik Viking Center)
Jan 25th Manchester (Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(St. Peter Square, Manchester University, Arndale Center, Albert Square)
Jan 26th-27th Liverpool(Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Liverpool FC Stadium, Beatles Story, St. Georges Place)
Jan 28th-30th Paris (Hostel)
(Paris Disneyland)
Jan 31th Leeds (Richard Lilley's apartment)
(Leeds University, Leeds Castle)
Feb 1stPreston (Richard Lilley's apartment)
(Preston Football Museum)
Feb 2nd Chester (Richard Lilley's apartment)
(Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet, Chester Cathedral, ChesterBoat-River Cruises)
Feb 3rdBirmingham(Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham Museum of Art, Vulcan Park and Museum)
Feb 4thWirral (Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Port Sunlight Museum and Garden Village, Lady Lever Art Gallery)
Feb 5th-7th Sheffield (*Alexander Lilleyʼs apartment)
(The Traditional Hertage Museum, Sheffield Theatres)
Feb 8th-13th London(*Hostel)
(Big Ben, London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, House of Parliament, British Museum, Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus, Harrods, Hyde Park, St. Paulʼs Cathedral, National Gallery, Canary Wharf, University College London)
我現在讀大二,但沒有信用卡那些的,約會帶900英鎊,這樣會有什麼問題嗎?by the way, 你的解答好詳細!謝謝你喔:-)
Jan 18th-20th Liverpool(*Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Liverpool Cathedral, Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral)
Jan 21th-24th York (*Jane C. Lilleyʼs House)
(York Castle Museum, York Minster, Yorkshire Museum, Jorkvik Viking Center)
Jan 25th Manchester (Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(St. Peter Square, Manchester University, Arndale Center, Albert Square)
Jan 26th-27th Liverpool(Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Liverpool FC Stadium, Beatles Story, St. Georges Place)
Jan 28th-30th Paris (Hostel)
(Paris Disneyland)
Jan 31th Leeds (Richard Lilley's apartment)
(Leeds University, Leeds Castle)
Feb 1stPreston (Richard Lilley's apartment)
(Preston Football Museum)
Feb 2nd Chester (Richard Lilley's apartment)
(Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet, Chester Cathedral, ChesterBoat-River Cruises)
Feb 3rdBirmingham(Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham Museum of Art, Vulcan Park and Museum)
Feb 4thWirral (Richard Lilleyʼs apartment)
(Port Sunlight Museum and Garden Village, Lady Lever Art Gallery)
Feb 5th-7th Sheffield (*Alexander Lilleyʼs apartment)
(The Traditional Hertage Museum, Sheffield Theatres)
Feb 8th-13th London(*Hostel)
(Big Ben, London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, House of Parliament, British Museum, Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus, Harrods, Hyde Park, St. Paulʼs Cathedral, National Gallery, Canary Wharf, University College London)
我現在讀大二,但沒有信用卡那些的,約會帶900英鎊,這樣會有什麼問題嗎?by the way, 你的解答好詳細!謝謝你喔:-)
All Comments

By Lucy
at 2010-10-26T19:14
at 2010-10-26T19:14
3.你的個人資料,除了旅行資料之外,你的工作證明、或者學生證明?或者過去六個月你的薪資所得證明!這部分最重要,海關可能會問你是否要到英國結婚?應該不是?! 那海關可能會問你在台灣的工作狀況,目的是確認你旅程結束後,就會回台灣,所以不管你在台灣是在幹甚麼,請準備好清楚的資料,證明你在台灣有牽掛、或者有房地產、或者有工作、或者有學業、家庭狀況如何、家人的工作、房產等資料,而且有正常收入,這對單身年輕女生來說,是很重要的資料。有可能海關不問,但如果被問到,這是英國邊境局官方網站,所標註旅客應該攜帶的證件資料,所以建議你盡可能地把這些資料準備好。
最後,跟海關無關,不過你5-7Feb要到Sheffield,Traditional Heritage Museum沒有開,只有每個月的第三個星期六才有開放。
還有特別跑到巴黎去玩狄斯耐?雖然也不錯啦,可是有點麻煩,還得另外辦簽證。中英格蘭有好幾個遊樂園、比方Aton Tower還有一個美國夢幻世紀(名字記不太清楚),甚至到倫敦溫莎也有一個樂高樂園,特別跑到巴黎去,有點麻煩。
2010-10-25 18:45:27 補充:
900? 勉強夠。
但,如果能有你父母的財力證明跟旅費擔保信、或者男友的英國銀行bank statement以及他在邀請函中書明,會支付你必須的旅行費用,會更好。

By Dora
at 2010-10-26T16:44
at 2010-10-26T16:44
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