請英文高手幫我訂正文法用字 - 旅遊

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-06-06T00:00

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我有壹個難忘旅遊經驗在高雄跟墾丁跟我的寵物 我養兩隻寵物都是貴賓狗
I have an unforgettable travel in Kaohsiung and Kenting with my pets. I raise two dogs they are poodles.
I never get a long journey with two pets.
I think they will be uncontrolled in my mind.
但是這次不一樣 我鼓起勇氣帶他們到墾丁高雄
But this time is different. I have to gather the courage to bring two pets to go to outdoor.
first day they are very happy by train.
But I am very scared of they will be bark loudly to bother others.
on the contrary they are very well-behaved.
我們先到了墾丁 放下行李往海灘去了
then we are arrived in Kenting and check in the guesthouse.
我們去的時間剛好是台風過後 不知道浪如此之大
the moment is after typhoon
從來沒出過遠門的他們 看到海水興奮地衝過去
They never go to beach before so they are very exciting and rush in the ocean.
幸好同行的有人把他們抓了回來 因為他們差點被海浪捲走,
Fortunately my boyfriend catch then away. They almost to drown in the ocean. And to leave me away forever.
他們非常的害怕 但是一下就忘記了
Although they are very afraid of that , they are forget that soon
洗狗真是一大困難的任務,因為他們在海邊玩得太開心 所以眼睛裡面都是沙。

All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-06-09T10:40
------Error and corrections on Grammar and vocabulary on Summer:-
(1)I have an unforgettable travel in Kaohsiung&Kenting with my pets. They were two poodles which I raised.
(2)I never got a long journey with two pets.
(3)I thought they would be uncontrollable in my mind.
(4)But this time was different. I have had to gather the courage to bring the two pets out.
(5)On first day they were very happy travelling by train.
(6)But I was very scared that they would be barking loudly to bother others on train.
(7)On the contrary they were very well-bahaved on the journey to Kaohsiung.
(8)When we arrived in Kenting, we checked in the guest-house before we went to the seaside.
(9)The moment was just after typhoon.
(10)Since they've never been to beach before, they were very excited&rushed into the sea.
(11)Fortunately my boyfriend caught them when they were being washed away&the flood drowned them in the sea almost. And to leave me away forever.
(12)Although they were very panic-stricken (frightened), they forgot that soon.
(----)They had a great time at the beach.
------When we returned to the guest-house, we began to wash the dogs (poodles).
------Dog washing was indeed a difficult task, because they had been sporting so much fun at the beach that their eyes were full of sand.


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2013-06-06T00:00
第一:可以詳細的告訴我坐捷運到劍潭站之後,要到� ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2013-06-06T00:00
各位大大~~~~~好急啊!!!!........我想請問~~~~~~~我6/14~6/16要前往澎湖旅遊...我住在彰化市由嘉義火車站欲到布袋港,可�� ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2013-06-06T00:00
預計是2個人要去綠島旅遊...由屏東出發做最早一班車~看了很多知識與分享~但是還是有一些不懂的問題想請問各位 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2013-06-06T00:00
�� ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-06-06T00:00