[資訊] 泰國要發生軍事政變了 - 泰國

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-09-20T00:53

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作者: adam0716 (聰明?) 看板: share
標題: [資訊] 泰國要發生軍事政變了
時間: Wed Sep 20 00:25:55 2006


BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- Tanks have been seen rolling through the streets
of Bangkok, Thailand, on Tuesday amid rumors of an attempted coup, witnesses
tell CNN.

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra -- currently at the U.N. headquarters
in New York -- went on a government-owned TV station and declared a state of
emergency, The Associated Press reported.

According to officials at the Thai mission at the United Nations, Thaksin has
moved up his speech to the General Assembly to Tuesday night and will return
to Bangkok after his address.

He had been scheduled to address the assembly on Wednesday.

Thailand operates as a constitutional monarchy, with the king as head of
state and the prime minister leading the government. The country is an ally
of the U.S. and contributed troops to the U.S.-led military operations in
Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thaksin has been under considerable pressure to step down.

Elections in Thailand are scheduled for November after the country's
constitutional court ruled April's vote was unconstitutional.

Thaksin had called for the elections in April, three years early, after
opponents accused the billionaire leader of abusing the country's system of
checks and balances and bending government policy to benefit his family's


Tags: 泰國

All Comments

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2006-09-20T07:55
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2006-09-21T18:58
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-09-26T12:05
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-09-28T14:54
我朋友說每個電視台都撥放同一個畫面 她嚇死了
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2006-09-28T21:10
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2006-10-01T17:46
泰皇的聲望不是一直都很高 @_@?
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-10-03T16:34
泰國人要反的是總理 不是泰皇
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-10-07T01:00
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-10-08T00:12
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-10-11T16:04
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-10-13T01:49
幸好早回來了 要不然在泰國遇到政變 回來遇到圍城 超慘
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2006-10-14T02:52
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2006-10-19T02:34
挖哩勒 票都定好了不能退 中秋節要去怎麼辦
David avatar
By David
at 2006-10-20T02:22
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2006-10-23T05:23


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2006-09-18T14:00
IMPACT是在很偏僻的地方 離市區很遠 我之前從市區坐到那邊也要200有吧 而且很會塞車 附近的旅館印象中都是很貴的 所以後來當地人帶我去附近一個社區找住的地方 就在IMPACT附近 用走3分鐘內會到 我有拿名片 但是都是泰文...不過有電話 年輕的老板娘人很好 英文很流利 :) 晚一點補上 那邊是當地人住 ...

請問一下板上的大大們有沒有住過這家飯 …

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-09-17T21:33
※ 引述《cmlc (簡單)》之銘言: : 下個星期要去泰國玩了~~ : 爬文看到很多飯店都有阿飄~~ : 想要請問一下~~ : PATTAYA PARK新館 ~~這家飯店~~ : 有阿飄嗎~~設備會不會很糟糕壓~~ : 離夜市或者是shopping的地方會很遠嗎?? : 拜託去過的人幫幫忙~~告訴我一下吧! ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-09-17T19:49
下個星期要去泰國玩了~~ 爬文看到很多飯店都有阿飄~~ 想要請問一下~~ PATTAYA PARK新館 ~~這家飯店~~ 有阿飄嗎~~設備會不會很糟糕壓~~ 離夜市或者是shopping的地方會很遠嗎?? 拜託去過的人幫幫忙~~告訴我一下吧!! 感恩!! - ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-09-14T14:53
※ 引述《alonevi (捲髮妹妹)》之銘言: : 標題: [問題] 畢業旅行證金問題 : 時間: Wed Jul 5 10:20:44 2006 : : 想請問大家, : : 我們班因為原先9/1號要去泰國... : : 不過聽說泰國有禽流感的消息,回來要自我居家隔離... : : 所以我們班後來決定不 ...

瑞士-冰河列車, 8/27

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2006-09-14T01:32
圖文版http://www.wretch.cc/blog/uscakeandamp;article_id=2171523 布里格(Brig) 推薦指數:☆☆☆☆ 在昨天check in時己要求早一點吃早餐,吃完後坐火車從伯恩到布里格, 布里格是一個交通要塞的樞紐小鎮,也是今天坐冰河列車的地方, 冰河列車的起點 ...