越南航空 臺北-巴黎(來回經越南兩城市) - 法國

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2014-01-18T01:41

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[TPE-CDG] Vietnam Airlines 台北巴黎搭越南航空

As a uni student eagering to see the world, checking how much in the pocket kinda sadly decide her destination. In this case, it’s not a sad story after all- thanks to Vietnam Airlines.
Did a whole lot of research on the Internet about airlines flying to Europe, others reviews, checking rate of flight delay, and so on.
After all the research I chose Vietnam Airlines. Here are my reasons
1. Free 30 luggage allowance (the most in flying to Europe, actually I didn’t realize it until I booked it)
2. STCP. Free tour in the city / resting in hotel upon your transit
3. Transfer in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City. * I chose to transfered in Hanoi on my way to Paris, and Ho Chi Minh City on the way back)
4. It’s a big airlines, part of the SkyTeam Alliance, no worries folk!
5. Great deal of course and get to check out Vietnam!!! * It’s said can even change route when coming back by adding a few thousand (TWD) to visit Cambodia or other places in Vietnam
1. 30公斤行李額度 (堪稱飛往歐洲最多的航空,這也是我在訂完機票之後發現的)
2. STCP. 免費過境一日遊/旅館休息.
3. 可選擇在河內或是胡志明市過境
* 我選擇去的時候在河內停留,回程在胡志明市,一次玩越南兩城市!
4. 知名航空,並且是在天合聯盟內
5. 當然是價格很優囉,還可以順道玩越南,何不呢?
* 話說回程時候可以再加幾張小朋友就可去越南其它地點,或是到柬埔寨遊玩
*** Another competive airline was Eastern China Airway, the reason for not choosing it is:
1. Taiwanese need visa for stopover
2. Shanghai has 2 airports. The airport from TPE-SGH and to SGH-CDG maybe different. It’ll be a chaos when not knowing the way or stuck in traffic.
1. 需要台胞證才能過境
2. 上海有兩座機場(虹橋&浦東)。從台北飛往上海,與上海飛往巴黎的班機有可能是在兩座不同機場。對於人身地不熟的人,以及途中若遇上塞車將會是旅行中的一大考驗。
In the end, I spent TWD28,150 (around USD 940) route trip Taipei-Paris, stopover in Vietnam.
Airplane food was good. Seat is big. Everyone craving for instant noodle back from France due to time difference.
Yum Yum
Yum Yum

My hotel room in Ho Chi Minh City.
The bedroom was for 2 people/ 2人一間
The bedroom was for 2 people/ 2人一間

The bathroom is clean/ 衛浴設備還蠻乾淨的
The bathroom is clean/ 衛浴設備還蠻乾淨的

Can see a cozy sofa on the far end/ 還有小沙發可以享受
Can see a cozy sofa on the far end/ 還有小沙發可以享受

The hotel treat us PHO for breakfast.
Have friend in HCMC and did a motorcycle gourmet tour around the area.
The post office. 胡志明市郵局
Magnificent post office from the French Influence/ 可看到法國殖民時期遺留的風情
Magnificent post office from the French Influence/ 可看到法國殖民時期遺留的風情

It's a telephone booth!/ 復古電話亭
It’s a telephone booth!/ 復古電話亭

The plaza outside the Post Office/ 郵局外的廣場
The plaza outside the Post Office/ 郵局外的廣場

Mr. Ho Chi Minh Museum. Sadly was close on Monday.
Food! Food! Vietnam food!
After tasting some great Vietnamese food in Paris, i feel 100% in love with it! There are great varieties of local Vietnamese food as there are many Vietnamese settled down in Paris, and many can’t be found in Taiwan, so i was pretty surprised by the wide selection of it!
至從在巴黎吃到越南食物後整個就是愛上了!由於巴黎有很多殖民時期從越南前往法國找尋新生活的移民, 開了很多越南各地道地風情的料理, 也讓我吃到很多台灣越南餐廳沒有的料理.
My Vietnamese friend said food in Vietnam are all in small portion cos the the royal think can try out more food this way. Hehe, can eat more now
越南朋友說:越南食物的份量都很小份,因為古代皇室認為份量小可以多嘗鮮更多食物。 太有道理的一句話了~吃~吃~吃~
The dishes on the table were appetizers/ 桌上都會有開胃小菜
The dishes on the table were appetizers/ 桌上都會有開胃小菜

IMG_5099 IMG_5100

It taste like a Vietnamese flavour of tempura/ 越南版的魚漿
It taste like a Vietnamese flavour of tempura/ 越南版的魚漿

Fish Sauce/ 魚露
Fish Sauce/ 魚露

It's so exotic with the small chairs and table, love it!!!/ 超喜歡可愛的竹製小桌與椅子
It’s so exotic with the small chairs and table, love it!!!/ 超喜歡可愛的竹製小桌與椅子

Sorry i can't recall the name, but it was good!!!/ 忘了食物名, 但似乎不是台灣容易找到的越南美食
Sorry i can’t recall the name, but it was good!!!/ 忘了食物名, 但似乎不是台灣容易找到的越南美食

Sorry i can't recall the name, but it was good!!!/ 忘了食物名, 但似乎不是台灣容易找到的越南美食
Sorry i can’t recall the name, but it was good!!!/ 忘了食物名, 但似乎不是台灣容易找到的越南美食

Vietnamese Pancake/ 越南餅
Vietnamese Pancake/ 越南餅

Vietnamese Pancake/ 越南餅
Vietnamese Pancake/ 越南餅

Surprise by the big portion, delicious!/超大又好吃!
Surprise by the big portion, delicious!/超大又好吃!

Snapshots of streets
LV in Vietnam/ 越南版LV
LV in Vietnam/ 越南版LV


The river that runs through Ho Chi Minh City/ 流經胡志明的河
The river that runs through Ho Chi Minh City/ 流經胡志明的河

Tons and tons of motorcycle. Need tips to cross the road as the motorcycle won't stop, but slow down their speed/ 胡志明市很多摩托車, 連過馬路都需要一些技巧, 因摩托車只會放慢腳步但不會完全停 冏
Tons and tons of motorcycle. Need tips to cross the road as the motorcycle won’t stop, but slow down their speed/ 胡志明市很多摩托車, 連過馬路都需要一些技巧, 因摩托車只會放慢腳步但不會完全停 冏

High Street of HCMC/ 名牌雲集的街道
High Street of HCMC/ 名牌雲集的街道

It was National Day of Vietnam, flags were everywhere./ 越南過慶日, 到處都是國旗
It was National Day of Vietnam, flags were everywhere./ 越南過慶日, 到處都是國旗

Vietnamese street food/ 越南小吃
Vietnamese street food/ 越南小吃

In sum, I recommend Vietnam Airlines from my own experience as it’s said can even extend your trip to other parts of Vietnam or Cambodia with acceptable add up.
根據自己這一次飛行的經驗, 我很推薦越南航空, 實在是俗又大碗!且還可以額外加一些費用, 將旅程深入越南其他地區, 或柬埔寨.

Tags: 法國

All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2014-01-21T04:23
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-01-22T12:14

2013年德法行(九)Leon de Bruxelles

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2014-01-17T02:28
網誌圖文版: http://maxmarcowei.blogspot.tw/2014/01/20130928-1012-leon-de-bruxelles.html 如果有買過巴黎旅遊書的人,應該對於這家餐廳 - Leon de Bruxelles 有些 印象才是,因為在我們出發前買的每一本 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2014-01-15T17:22
圖文網誌版: Day1 台北-羅馬 http://happyconis.pixnet.net/blog/post/42739180 Day2 阿瑪菲海岸-蘇連多 http://happyconis.pixnet.net/blog/post/42750079 ======================= ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-01-15T02:08
時間:3月下旬 國家:法國(單一國家) 預算:一人最高十萬新台幣 形式:跟團(完全自助不考慮) 喜好:喜歡美麗的自然風景,也希望能夠看到法國著名的建築物,如:巴黎聖母院、凱旋門、鐵塔,無購物需求 天數:十天 請各位大大依上述條件推薦旅行社及行程,有親身經驗更佳,謝謝! - ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2014-01-14T01:22
三月底想帶老婆去法國渡蜜月, 因為要準備婚禮沒有時間, 所以選擇跟團, 又因為預算的問題, 不考慮旅費一個人十萬以上的團, 目前有在考慮雄獅和東南的法國團, 請問有人有參加過嗎? 可不可以講講你們參加完的感覺? 我和老婆不喜歡血拼, 食物不怎麼好吃也可接受, 只要能看到美麗的自然及人文景觀即可。 感謝各位 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-01-13T13:49
圖文分享版: http://wkitty.pixnet.net/blog/post/30723037 -- andlt;andlt;Love in 捷克-1 搭乘大韓航空飛往百塔之都andgt;andgt; ------------------------------- 一直在想要用甚麼方法去 ...