釜山慶州五天四夜自由行請益 - 釜山

By Connor
at 2014-07-24T21:29
at 2014-07-24T21:29
Table of Contents
各位大大好 小的第一次去韓國 以自由行的方式規劃 煩請前輩健檢 看這行程是否適當或
應減少或增加什麼之類的 謝謝
My hostel (中央站
airport money exchange
about 17:50 to hostel check in-----南浦洞----南浦洞站xit7 money
exchange----- 龍頭山公園釜山塔 ---- 光復洞美食街(ea
t元祖煎甜餡餅/辣炒年糕----- 樂天Lotte百貨頂樓ight scenes/B1-----hostel
Hostel -----busan station (before06:30)EXIT8 by KTX(06:30/10700W/take 26mins)
to新慶州(06:56arrival)(not)---- bus700(the first bus07:55/1450W/ta
ke 45mins)----- 佛國寺 /stay1.5hr)-----[( bus12/take20mins-----石窟庵
stay35mins\if no time,give up) -----bus12/take20mins ]----- 佛國寺
---- bus10/take40mins-----慶州車站---- bus203/take30mins----- 良洞村
(stay1.5hr) ----- bus203/take30mins----- 慶州站 ----- walk20mins(o
r bicycle rents for 3000w 4hrs will be better) -----天馬塚 -----大陵苑
-----瞻星臺 ----雁鴨池----hostel
)----- 大淵站xit3and walk to 雙胞胎豬肉湯飯---- 海雲台站
Exit7 -----bus181/take 30mins 於龍宮寺 國立水產科學院下車-----海東龍宮
麵 -----along大路廣安路mins -----night scenes and eat炸雞 drink beer)-----hostel
hostel----中央站ake40mins- -----梵魚寺站xit5.7 walk5mins and bus
90/take10mins----- 梵魚寺stay1hr) ----- bus90/take10mins----- 梵魚寺站
xit5.7 walk5mins----- 南浦站ake40mins----- 影島橋(11:50~
5hrs)----- 南浦洞xit6附近Bus/8/30/66/88號均可到達----- 太宗臺sta
y 2.5hrs)-----札嘎其市場----BIFF廣場BIFF----- 國際市場-
DAY 5 中央洞around hostel-----airport----goodbye Korea
Sent from my Android
應減少或增加什麼之類的 謝謝
My hostel (中央站
airport money exchange
about 17:50 to hostel check in-----南浦洞----南浦洞站xit7 money
exchange----- 龍頭山公園釜山塔 ---- 光復洞美食街(ea
t元祖煎甜餡餅/辣炒年糕----- 樂天Lotte百貨頂樓ight scenes/B1-----hostel
Hostel -----busan station (before06:30)EXIT8 by KTX(06:30/10700W/take 26mins)
to新慶州(06:56arrival)(not)---- bus700(the first bus07:55/1450W/ta
ke 45mins)----- 佛國寺 /stay1.5hr)-----[( bus12/take20mins-----石窟庵
stay35mins\if no time,give up) -----bus12/take20mins ]----- 佛國寺
---- bus10/take40mins-----慶州車站---- bus203/take30mins----- 良洞村
(stay1.5hr) ----- bus203/take30mins----- 慶州站 ----- walk20mins(o
r bicycle rents for 3000w 4hrs will be better) -----天馬塚 -----大陵苑
-----瞻星臺 ----雁鴨池----hostel
)----- 大淵站xit3and walk to 雙胞胎豬肉湯飯---- 海雲台站
Exit7 -----bus181/take 30mins 於龍宮寺 國立水產科學院下車-----海東龍宮
麵 -----along大路廣安路mins -----night scenes and eat炸雞 drink beer)-----hostel
hostel----中央站ake40mins- -----梵魚寺站xit5.7 walk5mins and bus
90/take10mins----- 梵魚寺stay1hr) ----- bus90/take10mins----- 梵魚寺站
xit5.7 walk5mins----- 南浦站ake40mins----- 影島橋(11:50~
5hrs)----- 南浦洞xit6附近Bus/8/30/66/88號均可到達----- 太宗臺sta
y 2.5hrs)-----札嘎其市場----BIFF廣場BIFF----- 國際市場-
DAY 5 中央洞around hostel-----airport----goodbye Korea
Sent from my Android
All Comments

By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-07-26T14:59
at 2014-07-26T14:59

By Ida
at 2014-07-29T13:04
at 2014-07-29T13:04

By Hardy
at 2014-07-31T15:19
at 2014-07-31T15:19

By Sarah
at 2014-08-04T07:03
at 2014-08-04T07:03

By Lauren
at 2014-08-08T19:20
at 2014-08-08T19:20

By Oliver
at 2014-08-11T08:24
at 2014-08-11T08:24

By Erin
at 2014-08-11T11:13
at 2014-08-11T11:13

By Margaret
at 2014-08-14T03:36
at 2014-08-14T03:36

By Queena
at 2014-08-15T15:47
at 2014-08-15T15:47

By Poppy
at 2014-08-18T18:49
at 2014-08-18T18:49

By Connor
at 2014-08-21T05:25
at 2014-08-21T05:25

By Madame
at 2014-08-22T10:53
at 2014-08-22T10:53

By Sierra Rose
at 2014-08-25T23:10
at 2014-08-25T23:10

By Steve
at 2014-08-27T01:37
at 2014-08-27T01:37

By Jack
at 2014-08-28T09:48
at 2014-08-28T09:48

By Wallis
at 2014-09-01T04:05
at 2014-09-01T04:05

By Isabella
at 2014-09-02T14:36
at 2014-09-02T14:36

By Quintina
at 2014-09-02T18:52
at 2014-09-02T18:52

By Candice
at 2014-09-03T00:17
at 2014-09-03T00:17

By Robert
at 2014-09-06T23:53
at 2014-09-06T23:53

By Ivy
at 2014-09-10T20:32
at 2014-09-10T20:32
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