麻煩英文強的人幫我翻成英文~~急 - 旅遊

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2007-06-14T00:00

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這裡是墾丁. 春天時會舉辦盛大活動.且會有樂團唱歌.晚上的墾丁
麻煩英文強ㄉ幫我翻成英文 謝謝唷!!

All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-06-18T02:55
Wow! It's my first time visiting Taiwan; I just can't wait to see this
beautiful place.
It's so hot now, and I have no idea where to go.
I just can't wait to try those famous Taiwan snack.
Me, too. By the way, where is our tour guide?
Hi, I'm OXO, your tour guide. I'll show your around and make sure
you enjoy your stay. This is my friend, XXX.
Here we are at Kenting. A big spring festival will be held here, and lots of band will come to sing. It's always crowded here on the street at night-time.
You're right! Girls are all in bikinis!
Yeah! I'll go surfing!
This is the famous Liuho Night Market. As you can see we have oyster
omelet, stingy tofu, dumplings, pearl milk tea... they are all delicious
and tasty.
Boy! You don't see these at our country!
I just don't know which to choose!
What do you want to try first? Oyster omelet or stingy tofu?
2007-06-14 14:22:42 補充:
I'll try the oyster omelet first, and also give me a cup of papaya milk.
That sounds nice. I think I'll have the same.
You can also try the snake soup here. It's very famous around here.
Can you give me a route map of the buses and a city map of Kouhsuong?
We want to go by ourselves today.
2007-06-14 14:27:10 補充:
Sure. Here you are. Just call me when you have any problems.
Let's go to ShiZi Bay to see the ocena view, then we can take a boat ride to Chijin.
Wow! What a beautiful sunset!
Barbecue squid is so tasty.
We can ask our tour guide taking us for a shopping ride.
2007-06-14 14:32:11 補充:
My friend doesn't feel well, so I'll take you there.
Look! There is a giant ferris wheel, too!
There is also Hello Kitty Land here. What are we waiting for? Let's go!
The night viewof Kouhsuong is such a beauty.
Is that building 85F?
You are right. It's one of the city landmark in Kouhsuong.
2007-06-14 14:35:43 補充:
除了地名以外<其他ㄉ保證是OKㄉ囉! 這應該是對話ㄅ? 沒有標示出來,但是我可以看ㄉ出來! 所以我翻ㄉ應該是很口語ㄉ!
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2007-06-17T18:16
我試看看囉~~大概的意思都幫你翻出來了, 參考看看吧^ ^
wow...first time come to taiwan, cant wait for it.
en..so hot o. dont know where would be good to play?
i cant wait to go try some taiwanese foods.
me too ah. where is our tour guide?
hi~ how are you guys today? i am your cicerone XXX. Please let me show you around in taiwan bah.
This is my friend OXX
Here is 墾丁 . When spring comes alot of big function will be hold over here. Such as choir singing.
Nights at 墾丁 streets are usually busy, full of people everywhere.
Oh my god. So many people there. So many girls are wearing bikini yo.
yeah.. im going to surf .
Here is 六合夜市. have alot of famous taiwanese food. 有蚵仔煎.臭豆腐.水餃.珍珠奶茶… They are very delicious.
We can never try these in our country.
They all smells so nice. I dont know which one i should try.
Which one do you want to try? 蚵仔煎or臭豆腐?
i want to try 蚵仔煎, and also the papaya milk
that sounds nice. I think i'll have the same with you.
The snake soup here is very famous. you guys can try some too.
Please give me the bus schedual map and the tourism information for 高雄.
Today we'll go out by ourself.
ok. these are all yours. if there are any problem just call me.
Lets go to 西子彎first to see the seaview bah.
and then take the boat to 旗津
wow..such a beautiful sunset
bbq squid is so tasty.
At night our cicerone bring us to shopping.
my friend doesnt feel alright. please let me to take us to there bah. there are alot of 夢時代's products. please enjoy.
wow...this is such a wonderful architechture.
Hey you have a look. there are also ferris wheels ne.
not only that, its also hello kitty ne. hurry up lets go in bah.
looking down to 高雄's night view from here, feels so great.
is that building the 85F?
that is 公雄's land mark ne.


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2007-06-14T00:00
有澎湖的民宿有包船票房間及機車的嗎?能請問一下價位是多少嗎?我們是預計七月21、22要去的。兩天一夜價位�� ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2007-06-14T00:00
不知道桂林9月份的氣候如何?9月中旬去是否已過了旅遊旺季?9月份會常下雨嗎?好像可以賞桂花是嗎?如果要去 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-06-14T00:00
我跟我朋友兩個人想趁九月出國五到七天放鬆,我們兩個想去英文會通的地方,因為我們是學生,總開銷定在四萬 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-06-14T00:00
月底想去自助旅行,大概是五個人,因為要坐船搭飛機所以考慮要買保險,請問買保險會比較好嗎?那要買的話大概多�� ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-06-14T00:00
因為剛好家人發生,出國遊玩要回程時,飛機意外迫降.由於機票都是刷卡購買,姐姐一家的機票是用她自己的刷母親�� ...