2/3~2/13 摩洛哥 - 自助旅行

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-11-16T08:24

Table of Contents





3 feb= Arrive at casablanca airoport and drive to the desert of merzouga

4 feb= visit the oasis and the berber villages and the lake and in the afte
rnoon ride the cvamel to the desert where you will spend 2 nights

5 feb= The camel trekking at the dunes;This trek will be private just for your
party and the camelman.And you will stay in 2 different places ( 2 different

6Feb=A nrelax day after the 2 days trek at the sahara and in the afternoon w
e will drive to a small village where you will visit the black community and
lisyen to some gnawa music

7 feb= Merzouga Fes

8 feb =Fes a day to visit the medina of fes

9 feb= Fes to chefchaouen

10 feb= chefchaouen

11 feb= chefchaouen to Asilah

12 feb=Afree day at the beach

13 Feb= We drive from Asilah to Casblanca to the airoport to get there 2 h
ours before 7H



All Comments

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-11-17T10:23
塞八人真的很不舒服 (我才剛剛飛離開)

1/18~1/31 埃及行

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2018-11-15T23:14
地點:埃及 確定時間:1/18~1/31 (有一位1/20抵達) 機票已訂 預計預算:約台幣6萬(含機票) 人數:目前確定4人 行程: 1/18 孟斐斯博物館,階梯金字塔,紅字金字塔,曲折金字塔等 1/19 埃及博物館、漢哈里里市集、懸吊教堂、旋轉舞 1/2 ...

黃金海岸 Dream World遊樂器恐怖指數評比

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-11-15T21:16
※ [本文轉錄自 Aussiekiwi 看板 #1RxN66B_ ] 作者: auron2714 (阿中) 看板: Aussiekiwi 標題: [遊記]黃金海岸 Dream World遊樂器恐怖指數評比 時間: Thu Nov 15 21:15:47 2018 完整圖文影網誌聯結 https://ps ...

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Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-11-15T21:13
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Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2018-11-15T21:06
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Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2018-11-15T21:00
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