冰島航空這幾天大罷工請注意 - 歐洲旅遊

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-12-18T16:45

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Icelandair regrets to announce that the proposed strike by Icelandic Aircraft
Mechanics Association , December 17th is now confirmed as of 06:00 GMT ( 01:00
AM EST) as agreement has not been reached.

Icelandair is working on solutions to avert flight disruptions and this page w
ill be updated with the latest information as it becomes available. We apologi
ze for any inconvenience caused by these circumstances and we sincerely apolog
ize for the long waiting times when contacting our customer service, on all ch

We are at the moment focusing on all passengers that have had their flight can
celled and we are doing our best to get them on new flights. Once you have be
en rerouted or put on a new flight you will receive a new itinerary provided w
e have your contact details. As response times are high on our live Chat and
Facebook Messenger, we recommend that passengers that have not received a new
itinerary send us their booking reference, e-mail address and mobile phone num
ber and we will send you update information as soon as possible.


All Comments

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2017-12-20T12:38

RER 在Google上圖示與搭乘方向問題

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2017-12-17T23:09
大家好 最近快要出發去巴黎了 在規劃行程上有一些小問題請教大家 1. 如照片所示 https://upload.cc/i/wLMZ7Q.png RER為什麼會有兩個車的圖案, 是車種的不同嗎? 看起來一個比較像纜車車廂一個比較像地鐵 2. 沒有去過巴黎想要請教大家, 我要如何分辨月台方向 ...

冰河公路Grossglockner High Alpine Rd.

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2017-12-17T20:15
冰河公路Rd. 107 (47張照片全紀錄):http://goo.gl/Ki3JWV Grossglockner High Alpine Road (Rd. No. 107)是歐洲相當特別的景點 全程約莫50多公里的山路 蜿蜒在以大鍾山(Grossglockner)為首的阿爾卑斯山脈中 無比壯麗的 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-12-17T17:31
—奧地利薩爾斯堡— Facebook有圖版:https://goo.gl/cKtibv ---- 自助難度 :★ 資訊完整度:★★★★★ 交通方便度:★★★★ 物價指數 :★★★ 治安指數 :★★★★★ ---- 薩爾斯堡連同周圍的湖光山色一直是歐洲最受台灣人喜愛的景點 ...

羅馬 便利平價住宿 Vatican Garden Rooms

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-12-17T16:33
好讀完整圖文網址:http://lucida.cc/4713 羅馬住宿價格偏高,所以早早就開始尋覓住宿地點,這家清爽風格的BnB看起來十分入我眼,空間明亮衛浴也很大,看起來十分乾淨;地點離梵蒂岡和地鐵站都很近,這間BnB很受歡迎,而且能便宜的價格訂下來非常划算! BnB所在的地點是在熱鬧的大馬路旁(Via ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2017-12-17T13:19
因為版上對布拉格城堡區的黃金巷介紹不多, 在這整理一些當地的英文介紹板上對於黃金巷有趣的資訊。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://imgur.com/3EP1mPR ...