埃及半自助 - 自助旅行

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-12-19T00:11

Table of Contents


*ISIS Trip* Package Itinerary

Day 1
Arrive in Aswan .Our representative will meet and transfer you to your hotel. You will begin the sight seeing with a morning tour of the famous High Dam of Aswan.
The High Dam was completed in 1971 and created Lake Nasser. The Creation of the High Dam made it necessary to relocate several famous Monuments.
Next you will visit the Philae Temple which is a romantic and majestic Greco –Roman Egyptian Temple dedicated to the Egyptian goddess of love, Isis. You will also see the Unfinished Obelisk .Over night at your hotel.

Day 2
At 3.30 A.M it's time to see the most fames Temple in Egypt Abu Simbel by Bus,
And you will be back at 1.00 P.M, you will board a felucca, a traditional sailing boat. This type of Egyptian boat has sailed the Nile River for thousands of years, and will be your home for the next two nights. All of your meals will be aboard the felucca for this day and the next.
Onboard the felucca you will visit Elephantine and Kitchener islands. Elephantine Island contains the ruins of the ancient pharonic city of Aswan.
Kitchener Island is a delightful Botanical garden with plants imported from other parts of Africa, India and the Far East. Over night on the felucca.

Day 3
All day sailing down the Nile River. Over night on the felucca

Day 4
Early in the morning arrive Kom Ombo Temple. Kom Ombo is a dual Greco-roman Egyptian Temple dedicated to the Evil crocodile god Sobek and the good falcon god Horus, which stands overseeing the Nile and had sacred crocodiles kept as pets. Then arrive to Edfu, which contains the famous temple of Horus. This 2000 year old temple was dedicated to the son of Osiris, Horus the falcon headed god. This is the best preserved and most complete temple in Egypt.
In the afternoon you will be arriving in Luxor and transferred to the hotel for a quick shower before leaving to visit the East Bank sights. The East Bank of Luxor contains Karnak and Luxor Temples. Karnak Temple is a 3500 year old gigantic temple complex dedicated to the powerful ram headed god Amun. Luxor temple is an important temple because it was dedicated to 3 gods at the same time: Amun, his wife Mut and his son Khoons. Together these temples and gods were the key players of the yearly Opet
festival held during the flood season.
Over night at your hotel in Luxor.

Day 5
After breakfast, you will tour the West Bank of Luxor.

In the West Bank you will start off with the world famous Valley of the Kings. There you can enter the incredible tombs of new kingdom pharaohs, like King Tutankhamun.
Then on to experience the temple of Hatshepsut (Deir Al-Bahri). This is the mortuary temple of the only Pharaonic Queen of Egypt and contains very revolutionary Egyptian architecture. Finish with the gigantic colossi of Memnon, the last remains of
The Amenophis is temple.in the train Over night back to Cairo

What is Included:
Sleeping train or Frist class sitting train
( Cairo to Aswan and Luxor to Cairo)
Hotel in Aswan is 2 star (B.B), hotel in Luxor is 3 star (B.B).
Tour to Abu Simbel by Bus.
Tours in Aswan and Luxor with English speaking guide.
12/01 o Philae Temple
o High Dam
o Unfinished Obelisk
12/04 o East Bank
· Karnak Temple
· Luxor Temple
12/05 o West Bank
· Valley of the Kings
· Hatshepsut temple
· Colossi Memnon

2 nights 2 days on a Felucca (sail boat) (F.B)
All taxes, transfers and pickups are included in the price




All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-12-22T22:16
天哪 我好幾年前去的 價錢差不多可是花的錢是埃磅 orz

喀什 4

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-12-16T23:41
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/Milstein/25611301 11/07 今天是周日,動物巴札有開市, 許多人都去過了, 但還是去第二次, 我則是第一次去。 總之,慢條斯理的拖到下午一點左右, 我,莉莉,陳釗,Simon,Yvan,Ira,Hannah就去搭公交車去巴札了。 可惜的 ...

吳哥窟住宿推薦-I Lodge Guest House

George avatar
By George
at 2010-12-15T13:10
網誌版:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/girlee/7575078 在出發做功課準備訂柬埔寨暹粒的住宿時. 在網路上找了很久..這間I Lodge很受網友推薦.. 2人雙人套房ㄧ晚才13美元.還包含接機服務..還有早餐..這價錢真是太便宜了.. 詢問了ㄧ下朋友..馬上寫信給Borey( ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-12-15T07:35
※ [本文轉錄自 Food 看板 #1D1_zFjG ] 作者: greenthumb (一個人的精采) 看板: Food 標題: [食記] 香港小吃魚蛋 時間: Wed Dec 15 07:35:40 2010 照片區:http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=gr ...

喀什 1

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-12-15T02:09
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/milstein/25609708 我在喀什度過此次最快樂的時光。 以致於不知道要從何說起。 我在老城青旅認識了很好的朋友, 又因為前台的玉樹告訴我們烏爾邦節的到來, 大家決定集體逗留。 我們在喀什老城其實也沒去哪裡, 簡單說來就是很日常的吃飯逛街拍照 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2010-12-14T07:32
照片區: http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=greenthumbandamp;book=97andamp;page=3 http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=greenthumbandamp;book=94andamp;p ...