急~義大利酒店從booking預定又取消的問題 - 義大利

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2014-05-07T17:56

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※ 引述《panda21615 (哭乾的淚)》之銘言:
: SOS!!我們原先已經都訂好義大利的酒店,後來同事今天收到
: booking致信表示他升級成genius級可打九折,後來同事就做了
: 取消A酒店新訂B酒店(應該是第一封回覆的事情)
: 還有取消C酒店(C1) 在重新訂一次C(C2)
: 因為第一次在booking取消訂房,感覺第一次的被收到錢 後面又不允許訂?
: 整個晚上因為這件事情心臟快跳出來 英文有點弱 可以拜託專業的板友
: 幫我看一下這兩封信嗎 以下是我破英文猜測的
: (第一封是說 因為取消不收費是不被允許的,但現在取消B是不跟我們
: 收錢的,但我們如果B也取消,而A在做這件事情也取消了,不就沒地方住了?)
: (第二封是說 要幫我們免費取消C2訂單?那C1預約還會在嗎)
: 謝謝萬事拜託,感覺晚上要失眠了
: 第一封
: We noticed that you made this new reservation with The Best Hotel (nr.
: 725868271).
: Please note that the Property already charge your credit card for the
: reservation nr. 980.074.577 (98 EUR in total) and they do not agree to cancel
: that reservation free of charge, since the policy that you booked is
: Not-Refundable.
: However, we are apply to inform you that the Property confirmed us that they
: agree to cancel the new reservation nr. 725868271, free of charge.
: Please confirm us if you wish to proceed with the cancellation of this
: reservation as soon as possible.
別緊張啊! 這封信的最後一句就是請你盡速回信確認究竟是否要取消訂房,

: 第二封
: We are writing to you regarding your reservation 980074577 at The Best Hotel,
: check-in date 2014-06-05, and check-out date 2014-06-06.
: We want to inform you that The Best Hotel already charged you for 96 euros.
: This reservation is Non Refundable and can not be cancelled without pay the
: cancellation penalty. The Best Hotel will reinstate it free of charge.
: The Best Hotel also told us you made a reservation 783.314.924. The best
: hotel will allow to cancel this reservation, 783.314.924, free of charge and
: we will made straight away.
: In case you want to discuss by phone please feel free to contact our customer
: service number.
: Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions.

第二封算是好消息吧! 飯店願意破例不向你收取消訂房的費用,


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By Rae
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