東京 400年江戶壽司-秀德本店 紀之重 - 東京

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-09-30T12:36

Table of Contents

店 名:秀德本店 紀之重(築地市場 場外)
地 址:中央區築地4-14-16
營業時間:11:00~15:00(last order 14:30)/17:00~23:00(last order 22:00)
休 日:星期三
官 網:http://on.fb.me/1Rf6vII

中英文部落格: http://bit.ly/1LlgkpD








有一點非常的特別是這裡的米與我們一般在日本料理吃到的米的品種不一樣,非常的有嚼勁,飯粒在製作過程中加了紅醋,呈現茶色,同時也襯托出魚肉的味道,我想這有可能是江戶壽司的一大特徵,魚被片的與米粒融為一體 ,入口即化!





Motion in action for the blurriness of the food, as they were chef proceeding the fish or me being busy taking pic, wondering what kind of fish lay next in front of the chopping board, or nom yum fish with pleasure cause I don’t want to miss out any fresh fish from the dock!

We came here as a surprise as we weren’t in the travel mood seeing ourself lining for hours, or from the early morning, for any MUST eat restaurant on whatever travel list or channels. We understand how good those must eat restaurant are, but we are too lazy and are a pretty chill type gang that anywhere that attracts us are good for the day. And of course, this line didn’t keep us long.

This restaurant is located in a very small alley, and most people would have miss it dazzling exploring vendors in the area. A friend of ours was thirsty, went looking around for vendor machine, came across this alley, and saw people standing outside this tiny restaurant and what’s more..the “400 years Edomae style Sushi” caught his eye and up next- we found ourselves lining up and wonder what’s inside this blur-transparant curtain.

We peeked inside every time someone came out this mystery restaurant and the first person in line would describe what he saw with the rest of us chatting, imagining what’s in and how is it like, a funny scene of us.

Finally after a good 30 mins it was our turn to draw the curtain and see what await us.

“They” have only 2 sets of menu, one is 10 sushi for 4,000, the other also with 10 sushi but only 2,800…the differences are within 3-4 sushi with different fish.

We are in Tokyo, a place where hygiene and sanitation is top list in everything they do, nonetheless the word “professional” as well, where they process the fish leaving no fishy smell nor taste.

One of our friend who has “ fish smell” issue ordered the 2,800 set, gobbled everything up with regret not ordering the 4,000 one.

One thing I must point out beside the fish were being handle very specially, the rice were quite different than those we eat at a regular Japanese restaurant. It’s very chewy and was add with red vinegar to give the rice a special touch also to highlight the taste of the flesh fish. I’d suppose it’s the Edomae sushi style, the rice were being shaped perfectly with sliced fish on top and good for one shot into our mouth.

We were delighted to see what’s next in the chef’s hand, and enjoyed our time here very much.

A must try-out for the 400 years Edomae sushi if you happen to be at Tokyo and plan to visit Tsukiji Fish Market!

* Please bear in mind I didn’t jot down all the fish name as I was just too excited for the show!

Tags: 東京

All Comments

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2015-10-01T15:35
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2015-10-04T21:40


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2015-09-30T11:23
去了東京迪士尼,適逢日本連假人山人海,並且因為LAND與SEA都去了,現在SEA的人潮 真的比LAND還多,開園前排隊已經人山人海,衝進場抽玩具總動員FP,排快一個小時, 到快拿到時發完了,完全悲劇。 建議真的要查清楚入園人數估計,人擠人的很累。 雖然都排隊比較久,但是還是盡力玩了不少項。 其中又 ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2015-09-30T10:37
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Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-09-30T10:30
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at 2015-09-30T00:39
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